Basics of Strings in Java

Strings in Java are a sequence of characters that are used to represent text. Java provides a built-in class called String to handle strings. A string in Java can be created in several ways, including:

Using string literals: This is the simplest and most common way to create strings in Java. String literals are created by enclosing a sequence of characters within double quotes, like this:

String s = "Hello World!";

Using the String class constructor: Another way to create strings in Java is to use the String class constructor. For example:

String s = new String("Hello World!");

Once you have a string, you can perform various operations on it, including:

Concatenation: You can join two or more strings using the + operator, like this:

String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = " World!";
String s3 = s1 + s2;

Length: You can find the length of a string using the length() method, like this:

String s = "Hello World!";
int length = s.length();

Substring: You can extract a portion of a string using the substring() method, like this:

String s = "Hello World!";
String sub = s.substring(0, 5);

Character access: You can access individual characters in a string using the square brackets ([]), like this:

String s = "Hello World!";
char c = s.charAt(0);

Comparison: You can compare two strings to see if they are equal using the equals() method, or using the == operator. However, it is important to note that == compares references, not values, while equals() compares the actual contents of the strings.

String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = "Hello";
if (s1.equals(s2)) {
    System.out.println("Strings are equal.");

In conclusion, Java’s String class provides a convenient way to handle strings in your programs. Whether you need to create strings, manipulate them, or compare them, Java has the tools you need to get the job done.

Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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