Function templates in C++

Function templates in C++ allow you to define generic functions that can be used with multiple data types. These functions can be used to perform the same operations on different data types, such as sorting an array, finding the maximum or minimum value in a collection, or performing mathematical operations.

One of the key benefits of function templates is that they make your code more reusable. Instead of having separate functions for different data types, you can write a single function template that can handle multiple data types. This not only saves you time and effort, but also makes your code easier to maintain, as you only have to make changes in one place instead of multiple functions.

Function templates can also improve the performance of your code, as the compiler generates optimized code for each data type at compile time, rather than having to perform runtime checks and conversions. This can result in faster and more efficient code.

To declare a function template, you use the “template” keyword, followed by a list of template parameters. The template parameters can be used in the function body to specify the data types for the function’s inputs and outputs. For example, you might have a template function “MyMax” that takes two arguments of any data type and returns the maximum value:

template <typename T>
T MyMax(T a, T b) {
    return (a > b) ? a : b;

In this example, the template parameter “T” can be any data type, such as int, float, or double. When you call this function with specific data types, the compiler generates a specialized version of the function for those data types.

Overall, function templates provide a powerful and flexible way to write generic functions in C++, allowing you to write code that is more reusable and efficient.

Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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