C++ Classes & Objects


Although classes and structures are similar in some ways, there are considerable distinctions as well. For instance, because we cannot conceal data in structures, everything is visible to the public and is publicly accessible, which is a big disadvantage of the structure and prevents it from being utilised in situations where data security is of utmost importance. We cannot add functions to structures, which is another disadvantage.

Classes serve as a model for building objects and are user-defined data types. Variables and functions—also referred to as class members—make up classes.

In C++, a class is defined with the class keyword.

In C++, a class’s syntax is

class class_name
    //body of the class


Instances of a class are objects. We only need to supply the class name and the object’s name when creating an object. The class characteristics and methods that are tied to the class specification can be accessed by objects. It is advised that certain characteristics and methods be included in access modifiers so that their permissions can be more precisely defined to let objects to use them.

When defining an object in C++, the syntax is

class class_name
    //body of the class

int main()
    class_name object_name; //object
Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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