The present concept implements controlling of pump which pumps water from the sump (underground tank) to the overhead tank, using 8951 microcontroller.
The control panel, i.e. the main control unit of the system which consists of the primary control switches, pump indicator, siren and level indicators. The visual example of how switches And the indicators can be placed as shown the figure below.

In the figure shown above there are total of nine LEDs, four of which indicates the water level in the tank, another four indicates the water level in the sump and one LED indicates whether the pump is ON/OFF. It also consists of three switches.
- Switch 1 is the main power switch which is used to activate the system.
- Switch 2 is used to select whether to operate the pump in AUTO or MANUAL mode.
- Switch 3 comes to picture only when the system is operated in MANUAL mode. It controls the direct activation of the pump.
Description :
This system is built around an 8951 microcontroller and the circuit diagram is as given below.

As you can see in the above diagram, port 0 is exclusively used as an input port which takes the information regarding the water level in the sump as well as in the overhead tank.
Port 1 is used as output port which is connected to the indicator that indicates the water level in both the tanks.
Port 2 is used as in/out port, it takes the input from switch 2 and switch 3 and gives the output which is connected to pump indicator, siren and the relay which controls the switching of the pump.
Working of the system:
There are two modes of working for the system
- Manual mode
- Auto mode
Which is controlled by switch 2 (refer control panel diagram)
Manual mode:
When the system is active and in manual mode, it only indicates the water levels in the tanks and it doesn’t control any working of the pump. To activate the pump in manual mode switch 3 is used.
In this mode the operator should manually control the working of the pump. As in case if the tank is full, operator should switch of the pump which is not the case when compared to auto mode.
Auto mode:
When the system is active and in auto mode, it only indicates the water levels in the tanks and it controls the working of the pump.
Hi, i need a pressure measurement and controller circuit diagram and c program code using 8051 micro controller.
and also can you mention the kit specification used for this project
sir i need d complete details of water level indicator without using microcontroller…………..constrction ,circuit,evrythng wich u can guide me a successful one……………………
plz send me the complete programming of water level indicator
to my mail id
sir i wish to know about the programing related to petrol level indicator using 10k pot based on microcontroller 8951 and also interfacing with LCD. please help me
is this program is automatic contolle of water . can you mail me complete detail to my mail id
Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontroller
Thanks for this project… Its really a great one…
Pls can you hlp me with this one:
Remote industrial Monitoring of tank WAter Level, Converyor belt speed, using an 8951 microcontroller?
It should be interfaced to a computer via parallel or serial port… I hav already worked on interfacing the transducers via current sense amplifier and adc to the microcontroller… I just need a working connection, an Assembly language code, and a monitoring software (I intend using matlab 7.0 interface).
My email:
Dear Sir,
Good after noon, I am also trying to mak a water level controller, but now I am facing some problem in coding, I am using 89c51 MCu, is this is sufficent for my application, so I need your help in coding, please mail me the coding if you can, my mail id is:
Thanks & Regards
Saurabh Singh
+91 98975 79022
i am a student at the durban university of technology, i am working on a water level project you guys help me with the pic coding .i will be using 4 switches as sensors
my email:
so ..can ne1 gonna tell much it wil cost?
if i jus buy it frm outside..
i wanna do this project in arm7tdmi
can anyone send me the code for the same???
there is a design fault..
you must provide an isolation between the uc ant he relay.. els the program will get flashed out..
recoment a optocoupler(pref. MCT2E) for isolation…
regards …magnatron…
is this circuit diagam and the program correct?any corrections anything needed please please let me know as soon as possible.
Dear Sir,
Exelent design, kindely I need pcb layout and block daigram and sensor arrengments. I am badely waiting for your early reply.
Dear sir,
Please i need ur help in coding of same water level indicator using 8951. Please kindly send me the coding as soon as possible.
Please sir send me the firmwre and hex…send it via e-mail as soon as possible
Please sir send me the firmwre and hex coding of same project send it via e-mail as soon as possible
plz sent me sir this project code
sir,thanks for ur circuit diagram,i had installed similar one about 10 years back now it malfunctioning,its not so modern like urs water level indicator cum controller, it will be of great help, if u send me a detail circuit of the same so i could built one to replace the existing one for my house,with best regard..
Dear Sir,
I am interested in this Water Level Controller. Could you please send the required code and hex file to my e-mail id?
Thanks and Regards,
Jinesh Kumar,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
kindly provide me full details program of the water level controller along with its hex file and block drawing
dear sir
may send me the project source code!!!
This is an extremely attractive project to me. I will be really thankful to you if you send the 89c51 code and detaled description working of each component.please cooporate me. Best regards
for those who wants to realize the circuit I can provide a full help if and only if the writer allows me to do so. if you are interested contact me. find on skyp mino139
Dear Sir,
I have gone through your circuit & found one of the best water level controller, I want to do one for me I have purchased all item including IC8951 but later i came to know that has to be programed, I would humble request you to send me a programed IC8951 I will pay the charges for that or you can guide me where i can get this done in bangalore.
Thanks & Regards
Please send me the details of the program & hex code for water level indicator cum
controller using 8951 microcontroller.
please mail me details and coding of this projects.
i want to work on this.
my email id is
please sir do mail
sir ..i m interested in this project…plz mail me the details…
Dear Sir,
Thank you for providing the Circuit Diagram.
I would humbly request you to send me the program code for the same on ‘’.
dear sir
may send me the project source code!!!
Please send me the details of the program & hex code for water level indicator cum
controller using 8951 microcontroller.
hello sir
this is a very intrusting project .please sent me the programing and other details of this project
1.With your design I have made my own water level controller with different code. The project runs good when kept outside water by touching the probes. By when keeping the probes in water it works for sometime and fluctuates making the motor on and off within some seconds. I dont think there is any problem with the hardware and software but with the probes. Suggest we a suitable and cheap probe yo be used 2. can you add a LCD Or Seven segment display for status(HALF, FULL, EMPTY).
3.can you add motor dry run protector means when water not flow to overhead tank, motor must turned off.4.Get me please PCB layout design
plz can u mail the code?????????
Someone please explain me how does the relay work in this circuit, with a brief description of the circuit as a whole
can u send the program code to mail id?
plz give me programming code(assembly language)for programming the mc
Dear sir,
Please i need ur help in coding of same water level indicator using 8951. Please kindly send me the coding as soon as possible.
Dear sir,
i wnt full working of water level indicator using microcontroller ic 8951,i also want source code for given circuit.
thanking you,
I’m very much interested in it. Can u give me the source code(Hex file)please?
My mail
Dear sir,
i wnt full working of water level indicator using microcontroller ic 8951,i also want source code for given circuit.
thanking you,
Dear sir,
i wnt full working of water level indicator using microcontroller ic 8951,i also want source code for given circuit.
thanking you,
Please give me programming code(assembly language)for programming the
micro controller ..
Hi sir,
this is a very understandable project i hav found but can u email
me the coding in assembly language to program microcontroller? please reply
hello sir,..i am not able to understand the exact working of this project.
Could you please provide me with more details regarding this project.
My email id is
Please give me program & hex code for water level indicator cum controller using 8951 microcontroller