8051/8951 microcontroller Instruction Set

The instruction set is divided in to 5 categories. They are as follows:

  1. Arithmetic instructions
  2. Logic instructions.
  3. Data transfer instructions.
  4. Boolean variable manipulation instruction.
  5. Program and machine control instruction.

We have listed all the instructions of  microcontroller with description, Bytes, Cycle. Each instructions are explained in the next pages one by one.

8051 Microcontroller Arithmetic instructions
8051 Microcontroller Arithmetic instructions
8051 Microcontroller logic operation instructions
8051 Microcontroller logic operation instructions
8051 Microcontroller data transfer instructions
8051 Microcontroller data transfer instructions
8051 Microcontroller Boolean variable manipulation instructions
8051 Microcontroller Boolean variable manipulation instructions
8051 microcontroller program and machine control instructions
8051 microcontroller program and machine control instructions

All instructions are explained in the next pages.

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21 thoughts on “8051/8951 microcontroller Instruction Set

  1. Highly impressed, discovered your post on Ask.Happy I finally tried it out. Not sure if its my Chrome browser,but sometimes when I visit your site, the fonts are really small? Anyway, love your blog and will check back.Bye

  2. hi im trying to design a circuit in which stepper motor is used to
    control a five nozzle fountain(college project) so i know how to program
    the motors …but i don’t know how to use a microcontrolller to
    interpret various segment of music and then interface it with a
    stepper motor simultaneously to get a
    musical fountain of sorts….can you help me out?

    P.S: i personally prefer 8051 but they say its outdated …
    what are my best alternatives…i know assembly language quite well.

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