Vehicle Monitoring and Security System


The entire Vehicle Monitoring and Security System is built around the PIC 18F8722 IC. It consists of 5 units comprising of

  1. A Keyboard Unit
  2. An LCD Unit
  3. An RF Unit
  4. A GPS Unit
  5. A GSM Unit

VMSS System descreption Each unit in the Vehicle Monitoring and Security System undertakes a specific job and can be explained as follows:

  • The keyboard unit is used to type in the password and other information that needs to be keyed in.
  • The LCD unit is used to display the information that is keyed into the keyboard and for other menu applications.
  • The RF receiver unit is used to provide a unique code about each employee/passenger and for security applications.
  • The GPS module containing the GPS antenna receives the information from the GPS satellite in NMEA format.
  • The GSM module transfers the information got by the GPS receiver to the Base Station. The Base Station decodes the information to the required form.


Keyboard UnitThe keyboard is organized as a matrix of 4 rows and 3 columns. The columns are connected to an output port and the rows are connected to an input port. In this unit the keyboard is interfaced to the PIC18F722 IC with PORTB as the input port and PORTG as the output port. Pins RB2-RB5 of Port B and pins RG0-RG2 of Port G are connected to the keyboard.

If no key has been pressed, reading the input port will yield 0s for all rows since they are all connected to low (GND). It is the function of the PIC microcontroller to scan the keyboard continuously to detect and identify the key pressed. To identify a pressed key, the PIC microcontroller sends a 1 to each of the columns, starting with the first column; then it reads the rows. If the data read is all 0s, no key in that column is activated and the process is moved to the next column. A high is given to the next row, reads the columns, and checks for any 1’s. This process continues until the row is identified. After the identification of the row in which the key has been pressed, the next task is to find out which column the pressed key belongs to. This should be easy since the microcontroller knows at any time which row and column are being accessed.


LCD UnitThe LCD that is used in this project is LAMPEX 16101 LCD display, which is a one line 16-character display. The display contains two internal byte-wide registers, one for commands (RS=0) and the second for characters to be displayed. It also contains a user-programmed RAM area (the character RAM) that can be programmed to generate any desired character that can be formed using a dot matrix.

The LCD used for this project has 14 pins. The function of each pin is given in the table below:


The module automatically performs initialization when powered on (using internal reset circuit).
The following instructions are executed during initialization:

  1. CLEAR DISPLAY:  The Busy flag is kept in the Busy state (BF=1).
    Unit initialization ends. The time is 15ms.
  2. FUNCTION SET:   DL=1  ; 8-bits long interface data.
    N=0   ; 1 line display.
    D=0    ; display off.
    C=0    ; cursor off.
    B=0    ; blink off.
    I/D=1  ; increment (+1) .
    S=0     ; No shift.
  5. DDRAM:  DDRAM is selected. Power on initialization depends on rise time of the supply when it is turned on.

When the above power supply condition is not satisfied, the internal reset circuitry doesn’t operate correctly. In this case, perform the needed initialization by sending function set instructions thrice from MPU after turning the power on.

For example, to designate an 8–bit data length, send the following instruction thrice:

LCD 8bit instructionWhen this ends, the module enters 8-bits data length mode without fail, then enters 4-bits data length instruction for 4-bits data length interface.

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149 thoughts on “Vehicle Monitoring and Security System

  1. hi,
    Can you send me the
    codings for the hardware & software part of this project with its circuit diagram with details?
    I need more details about this great project.
    Thanks a lot!!

  2. hi,
    i’m interested in ur this project
    Vehicle Monitoring and Security System
    so kindly send me he codings of software and hardware with the circuit diagram and details.
    thanks alot…

  3. hi,
    Can you send me the
    codings for the hardware & software part of this project with its circuit diagram with details?
    I need more details about this great project.
    Thanks a lot!!

  4. hi,
    i read the abstract of this project(Vehicle Monitoring and Security System), and i want to do this project.
    i will very happy if u send me more details ie coding and circuit…..
    thanks alot……….

  5. i want software and hardware of this project.i want circuit diagram for
    that.please send it to my email id………..

  6. hi..,
    i’m interested in ur this project
    Vehicle Monitoring and Security System
    so kindly send me the codings of software and hardware with the circuit diagram and details.
    thanks alot…

  7. hi…..
    i have selected this project(VMSS)as my final year project.
    please give me a better guidance about this project…..
    it would be very good for me if u could provide circuit diagram,software
    and hardware coding……
    i will be thankful to you………

  8. hi…….
    i want to do my final year project on this topic..
    so can you send me all the required details for this project..
    give me the ckt diagram, source code or the c file,
    plz plz plz send me …
    i will be very grateful to you.

  9. hi…….
    i want to do my final year project on this topic..
    so can you send me the ckt diagram, source code or the c file,
    plz plz plz send me …
    i will be very grateful to you.

  10. hi..,
    i’m interested in ur this project
    Vehicle Monitoring and Security System
    so kindly send me the codings of software and hardware with the circuit diagram and details.
    thanks alot

  11. hi..,
    i’m interested in ur this project
    Vehicle Monitoring and Security System
    so kindly send me the codings of software and hardware with the circuit diagram and details.
    thanks alot…

  12. hi,
    I am more interested in this topic can u please send more details about
    it.I was searching for this type of projects .So please circuit diagram, c
    source code,and additional information if it possible.

  13. thanking you to find such topic, am in very much interest to do such knd of project along with vehicle to vehicle interfacing of such data’s too for my final year engg., project by myself.
    As am beginner for such kind for project kindly suggest for all the basic requirement with detailed as earlier.
    It is very much useful and thankful to you.

  14. Hiii
    its a great project.hi..,
    i’m interested in this project
    Vehicle Monitoring and Security System
    so kindly send me the codings of software and hardware with the circuit diagram and details.
    thanks alot

  15. hello sir i am interested in this project i want to do it for my mini
    project. can uhelp me to send all the information about the components
    required? thanks in advance

  16. hi,
    i’m interested in ur this project
    Vehicle Monitoring and Security System
    so kindly send me he codings of software and hardware with the circuit diagram and details.
    thanks alot…

  17. i would like to take this as my final year project. so please send me the details of this project

  18. Hai…. I’m interested in ur project.Can u please send me the details of this project.
    With coding of software and hardware and circuit diagram.
    Thank you.

  19. Hiii
    its a great project.hi..,
    i’m interested in this project
    Vehicle Monitoring and Security System
    so kindly send me the codings of software and hardware with the circuit diagram and details.
    thanks alot

  20. hi,
    i read the abstract of this project(Vehicle Monitoring and Security System), and i want to do this project.
    i will very happy if u send me more details ie coding and circuit…..
    thanks alot……….

  21. hi,
    i read the abstract of this project(Vehicle Monitoring and Security System), and i want to do this project.
    i will very happy if u send me more details ie coding and circuit…..
    thanks alot.

  22. Hi,i am diploma student & i want to do this project so plz send me all details of this project with its as possible as reduced cost.

  23. good evening sir… very nice idea, its very innovative i would like to do this project for my exhibition. Can you please send me the full details of this project and required components

  24. sir plzz send me the details of this project ,ckt diagram and coding of microcontroller and other component…

  25. Sir, i am interested in implementing this project of yours will you kindly oblige by providing me with the circuit diagram,component list and codes on my email id.
    Thank you for your assistance.

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  27. Any one has information about this project plz contct with me… im interested in this project

  28. I want to do this as my final year project.
    Please send me the circuit diagram , source code and the details of the components required.
    I want to use 8051 microcontroller.
    Please reply asap.

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