Real Time Clock using CAT89C4051

Hello friends, here is a clock project where CAT89C4051 is used as RTC. LCD is used for display. Using CGRAM area of LCD you cn create cistome characters. Here you will be able to see big and better digits in LCD. The digits are twice the size of the normal digits.

PCB design for project is also given below. A nice PCB with single layer design. This PCB is recommended for the above project

The silk screen is not so good. but you can edit it as you want and make it look better

LCD Display:

Digital clock module
Digital clock module

Circuit Diagrams:

Circit diagram of Real Time Clock using CAT89C4051
Circit diagram of Real Time Clock using CAT89C4051

Power Supply:

Power supply of Real Time Clock using CAT89C4051
Power supply of Real Time Clock using CAT89C4051

PCB Layout:

PCB Layout
PCB Layout
PCB Layout
PCB Layout

Here the program is written in C and hex file is generated using Keil C compiler. You can directly use ‘Clock.hex’ file.

Download the source codes by clicking here

By Ajay Bhargav

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10 thoughts on “Real Time Clock using CAT89C4051

  1. pls send the source code and the lcd configuration of the project digital clock with calender. thanx.

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