Programmable number lock system is a high security number lock system that can be used to lock electronic devices. The present system is very user friendly. This system is a combination of software and hardware at its best. We have used a 8051 microcontroller kit for interfacing our system.
In the present design we can activate or deactivate 9 devices. Each device is locked using a 4 digit code (password). The code can be set as per the user’s desire, hence the name ‘ PROGRAMMABLE ‘. For the device to be activated (unlocked), the user should enter the code that had been entered when the device was locked. In case the user enters the wrong code a silent alarm will be activated.
Introduction to Programmable number lock system:
The system has three units, namely:
- Keyboard unit.
- Display unit.
- Control unit.
The keyboard unit consists of 9 number keys, 1 unlock key and 1 lock key. These are all push button switches. This unit is used to select the desired device and to enter the codes into the system. It is also used to request the system to lock/unlock the selected device.
The display section contains 5 seven segment display. This unit displays the device number and the code entered. This section is detachable. If detached it does not affect the working of the whole system. This unit also contains password reset button and an LED to indicate the error when the device is already locked and user wants to lock the device again. The error indicator also indicates an error when the system is already unlocked and the user tries to unlock the same.
The control unit is the heart of our system. It contains the necessary circuitry for the control of the device .This unit controls 9 devices, which is lock/unlock by selecting it using the keyboard and entering the password. If the code entered to unlock the device is wrong, then a silent alarm is triggered .The keyboard unit and the display unit are connected to this unit.
All these three units are merged together to form the whole system.

Block diagram of Programmable number lock system:

Working of the system:
When the system is initially installed the reset button is pressed. This key is present in the control unit. This unlocks all the devices. This is to avoid undesired functioning of the system.
To lock a particular device the device number is selected using the keyboard. Once the device is selected the user has to press the lock key present in the keyboard. Now the device waits for the user to enter the the code. The user can enter a 4 digit number using the keyboard as per his desire. Once all the 4 digits are entered the system electronically locks the selected device.
In the same manner to unlock a particular device, the device number is entered using the keyboard. Once the device number is selected the code for the selected device is entered. If the entered code matches the code that had been entered while that particular device was locked then the selected device will be activated (unlocked). If the codes do not match each other a silent alarm will be triggered (a LED placed in the control section. Shown in figure 3).An error indicator (placed in the display section) is provided if any user tries to lock a device which has already been locked or vice versa.
If the user is half way entering the code or has done an error while entering the code and wants to start over all again then a reset button is provided in the display section. By pressing this button the user can start from entering the device number and so on.
The number of devices which the system can control can be increased by addition of a few components in the control unit. More security can be achieved by increasing the number of digits in the code. This can be done by minor changes in the program. The system uses the internal RAM of the 8051 to store the code and hence puts a lower limit to the number of digits in the code and also the number of devices the system can control. Once the system is installed only the display unit and keyboard unit will be accessible to the user. Access to the control unit should be provided only to an official personal since it contains the system reset button.
i am a student of electronics and communication engineering in nepal and we had studied your project and choosed it as our final year project and we dont know how to interface the ckt with the microcontroller kit can you help……
i am a student of electronics and communication engineering in karnataka and we had studied your project and choosed it as our final year project and we dont know how to interface the ckt with the microcontroller kit can you help……
We are troubled with your incomplete project detail.Please do help us as soos as possible.
hi i am doing electronics and communication in madurai.I want u to help me in this hardware project.I need the circuit and the code to do it in using microcontroller
Hi All
Please ask your doubts clearly. Be specific on which section. Here we are just helping students to get Ideas to do their projects.
I need help on the programming section of this project i want to ask can you provide us with the program in c ………
i am tejas. i have selected this project but i am stuck.
i need to know which 8051 IC is used in this project( like philips,atmel,pic). Also i need the microcontroller kit cicuit diagram with full pcb layout of this whole project.
Please HELP me as fast as possible
MAY I required circuit layout of no. lock
please give me the full details including pcb layout and IC no.s of this project. PLEASE……..
sir i am a student of electronics and communication. i have studied and chosen this project as my semester project, i am keenly interested in it. sir i m stuck with the circuit diagram. sir, if u can plz help me wid the circuit diagram of allthree sections along with the code in c ,it will be of great help, as i need it as early as possible
Hi Sir,
I’m interesting in doing the programmable number lock as a project. I’d be very glad if u send me the entire circuit diagram as early as possible.
Thank you.
sir,would u plz give the information about how to interface the micorcontroller kit with the circuit.
We are engaged with the provided details. Hope we’ll come up with the output. Do help for the comlete circuit.
sir i am a student of electronics and communication. i have studied and chosen this project as my semester project, i am keenly interested in it. sir i m stuck with the circuit diagram. sir, if u can plz help me wid the circuit diagram of allthree sections along with the code in c ,it will be of great help, as i need it as early as possible
hi….sir its me 4m electronics & communication dept. I require your help to get sucess in complete my project…I have choosen this project as my final project for semestar 6th..
Awaiting for your help…..
i am the student of electronics & telecommunication.
I have chosen this project for my 6th sem.
i want to know the algorithm of this project.
Can you please send me as soon as possible?
awaiting for your reply.
hello sir…
i m an electronics and communication student.
sir i m working on this number lock system project as my final project and i am not clear about its control unit.
sir please tel the full details about the control unit.
sir please reply me as soon as possible.
i have to complete my project till d march..
awaiting for your reply.
hello ranjith, we noticed that at your schematic diagram in the display unit and the picture of the finish product, we noticed that the 555 timer is not included plus another IC In the controller unit, at the circuit diagram, it has 6 ics, but at the picture, it has 10 ics. same with the keypad unit, circuit diagram has 2 ics, in the picture, it has 3. can you please provide me the whole circuit diagram of all units? we are stuck at the moment. reply asap.
hello ranjith, we noticed that at your schematic diagram in the display unit and the picture of the finish product, we noticed that the 555 timer is not included plus another IC In the controller unit, at the circuit diagram, it has 6 ics, but at the picture, it has 10 ics. same with the keypad unit, circuit diagram has 2 ics, in the picture, it has 3. can you please provide me the whole circuit diagram of all units? we are stuck at the moment. reply asap.
please send me complete circuitory along with programme code n pcb layout n ic no.s………. as soon as possible
i am a final year student from orissa having ece branch.
i am having a problem on the control unit part.the circuit diagram is incomplete and there r more ics present on thegiven block if possible, plz send the complete ckt diagram ofthe control section.
In the display unit ,the ic 7496 is used as a 5 bit shift resistor.but this ic is not available in our local market.
so can u tell me an alternate ic for it/???
An early action is required.
i will be grately thankful to u……..
The description of the ics in the control unit is not available how the ics function to meet the target i am not able to understand. so plz giv a detailed function of the control section.
hello sir…
i am a final year student from ahmedabad having ec-c branch.
i am having a problem on the control unit part.the circuit diagram is incomplete and there r more ics present on thegiven block diagram.
so if possible, plz send the complete ckt diagram ofthe control section.
I have choosen this project but without any idea please someone help me in this.. I want the coding in c…please help me out as soon as possible…
pls sir i am interested in learning how to write my own codes. is there anyway u can help.
sir,i am a final year student of electronics n comm.
i am interested in this project but feel the given information is insufficient.So plz send me the codes n complete circuit of the given project.
Plz help me out as soon as possible..!!
sir,i am a final year student of electronics n comm.
i am interested in this project but feel the given information is insufficient.So plz send me the codes n complete circuit of the given project.
Plz help me out as soon as possible..!!
Hello. I m diploma ec final year student n i require the information regarding how 2 interface ckt with 8051 kit. Even i require the pcb layout n ckt diagram of 8051 kit.
I need the complete information of this project so plz help me out.
Kindly forward it.
Hope 4 reply as early as possible.
Thank u.
i want this project
hello sir…
ur ideas are very usefull to us !
i really thank u so much!
please send me complete circuitory along with programme code n pcb layout n ic no.s………. as soon as possible
sir i am a student of electronics and communication. i have studied and chosen this project as my semester project, i am keenly interested in it. sir i m stuck with the circuit diagram. sir, if u can plz help me wid the circuit diagram of allthree sections along with the code in c ,it will be of great help, as i need it as early as possible
i am the student of electronics & telecommunication.
i want to know the algorithm of this project.
sir please tel the full details about the control unit.
thanking you…
please let me know about the circuit diagram,components required and the necessary program in C so that i can design an electronic number lock,which i have taken for my project.
i am the student of electronics & communication.
I have chosen this project for my 7th sem.
i want to know the algorithm of this project &some
other information.
Can you please send me as soon as possible?
awaiting for your reply.
i m interested in your project.. but i want to build the system without using the micro controller as the control system. instead i want to use flip flops… can yu help me with the circuit daigram the system overview??
hello sir…i hav choosen this as a final yr project..
plz cud u mail me..that hw to interface this with 8051..& provide PCB layouts of this..
I am a electronics student and i am very intrested in programmable number lock system
But i don’t have the 8051 kit
So can i change the 8051 by 16f877
And what should i chang in the circuit
sir apne isme 8051kit ke bare me likha h uska kya matlab h n vo link kha per h please send me as soon as possible
Hi Respected Mr. Designer:
I would like to present some of my suggestions regarding this project’s development and simplification, and cost effectiveness.
I will discuss each section step by step
1) The Keypad unit can be greatly simplified by using 4×3 matrix keypad and using its * and # keys for Lock/Unlock it requires just 7 lines to interface. The total Decoding will be done by uController having a suitable algorithm running. This greatly simplifies the Keypad Circuitry by removing all of the encoding chips.
2) The Display Panel is very complex and not much user friendly also has onboard a large no of Latches, Decoders etc it can be greatly simplified by using a single 16×2 or 16×1 LCD Display which can be interfaced in nibblemode to the uController requiring just 6 interface lines saving IO Pins and complexity.
3)Instead of 8051 any other avr family member can be used if more EEPROM is needed to save passwords. But I Think 8051 is suitable.
Keeping in view the above suggesstions the hardware can be centralised around 3 core components i.e uController, LCD, matrix keypad This saves a huge cost, time and makes it robust and much used friendly also development Friendly.
The Design Strategy will be tilted towards Embedded System Design rather Than Digital Logic Design.
@ tamim:
Tamim if u know PIC Programming and interfacing you should not have much Problem regarding Hardware Translation. But regarding Software Translation There will be a huge revolution you will have to totally rewrite the software for PIC architecture because 8051 and PIC belong to different families and manufacturers I suggest the Program The Pic in C using mikroC compiler it will save ur time in C rather than in assembly. If you are proficient in assembly then code the PIC in assembly
Dear Mr Designer,
Is This was your Final year Project?? or it was your Course Project?
plz send me complete detail of this project.
Thanking You
can you send me the project detail shown above to me with some more addition to it
sir i really liked ur idea of dis project ….can u pls send me pcb layout and complete circuit diagram as soon as possible…..
i’m a student doin a project on this topic and i dont quite understand the control unit.i can’t see the pin numbers on the jk flipflops could u pls assist me,i am desparately in need of ur help pls!
im very intrested in doing this plz send me circuit diagram and code for this project to my mail id.
Am final year tudent of computer engineering,please i need a complete circuit diagram of this project;as soon as possible.thanks for your cooperation.