Programmable number lock system

The ‘Electronic device number lock’ system is a high security system.The main application kept in mind during the design of this system is to secure expensive electronic devices and machinery. The access to such devices can be restricted to particular users only. The system is highly secured since the code can be changed every time the user locks it.
This can also be used an physical lock by using solenoid and thus can be used to lock safes in banks or other institutions.
Regular electronic number lock available in the market can lock/unlock just one device, but this design can lock/unlock up to nine devices.

The program used for the operation of this system is as follows :
org 8500h
wait:  push dph
push dpl
push r0
push r1
mov dptr,#2042h     ;input data from PORT C
wi:     movx a,@dptr
mov r2,a
anl a,#20h
jz cont                      ;check for interrupt from display unit
jmp start
cont:  mov a,r2
anl a,#0fh                ;to check whether any key is pressed
jz wi
mov r0,#75
lcall 6798h
mov dptr,#2042h
here:  movx a,@dptr          ;wait for the key to be realesed
jnz here
mov dptr,#2040h     ;sending a pulse to the display section
mov a,r2
movx @dptr,a
mov a,#00h
mov dptr,#2041h
movx @dptr,a
mov a,#40h
movx @dptr,a
mov a,r2
mov r0,#75
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dpl
pop dph

org 8550h
scan:  mov r0,#04h
mov dptr,#2042h
one:  movx a,@dptr      ;check for lock or unlock buttons
anl a,#0c0h
jz one

lock:  lcall  wait             ;storing of pass word in given location
mov @r1,a
inc r1
djnz r0,lock
lcall out

unlock: clr 0ah
call wait
mov a,@r1
xrl a,r2                 ;comparing the entered and the stored code
jz match
setb 0ah              ;in case of mismatch set error bit
match: inc r1
djnz r0,unlock
jnb 0ah,go
mov a,#20h
push dptr
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
mov a,#00h
movx @dptr,a
pop dptr
jmp not
go:    lcall out
not:   ret

org 9000h
mov sp,#05fh
main:  clr 01h                        ;clearing all the device flags
clr 02h
clr 03h
clr 04h
clr 05h
clr 06h
clr 07h
clr 08h
clr 09h
setb ie.7
setb ie.2
start: mov a,#89h                ;C as i\p,A and B as o\p
mov dptr,#2043h
movx @dptr,a

mov r7,#05h               ;clearing the display section
rss:   mov dptr,#2040h
mov a,#00h
movx @dptr,a
mov a,#00h
mov dptr,#2041h
movx @dptr,a
mov a,#40h
movx @dptr,a
djnz r7,rss
lcall wait
cjne a,#01h,nxt2
jmp dev1
nxt2: cjne a,#02h,nxt3
jmp dev2
nxt3: cjne a,#03h,nxt4
jmp dev3
nxt4: cjne a,#04h,nxt5
jmp dev4
nxt5: cjne a,#05h,nxt6
jmp dev5
nxt6: cjne a,#06h,nxt7
jmp dev6
nxt7: cjne a,#07h,nxt8
jmp dev7
nxt8: cjne a,#08h,nxt9
jmp dev8
nxt9: cjne a,#09h,start
jmp dev9

org 9200h
dev1: mov r1,#30h               ;Loading the address of the password
mov r3,#01h                ;device no. used to give to the decoder
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock1    ;check for the lock\unlock pressed
jmp lock1
unlock1: jnb 01h,error1         ;generating error if the selected device is already
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr1
clr 01h                          ;clear lock\unlock flag
hr1:   jmp start
lock1: jb 01h,error1
lcall lock
setb 01h                       ;set lock\unlock flag
jmp start
error1: mov a,#40h              ;activating the error LED
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start

dev2: mov r1,#035h
mov r3,#02h
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock2
jmp lock2
unlock2: jnb 02h,error2
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr2
clr 02h
hr2:   jmp start
lock2: jb 02h,error2
lcall lock
setb 02h
jmp start
error2: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start

dev3: mov r1,#03ah
mov r3,#03h
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock3
jmp lock3
unlock3:jnb 03h,error3
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr3
clr 03h
hr3: jmp start
lock3:jb 03h,error3
lcall lock
setb 03h
jmp start
error3: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start

dev4: mov r1,#040h
mov r3,#04
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock4
jmp lock4
unlock4:jnb 04h,error4
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr4
clr 04h
hr4:   jmp start
lock4:jb 04h,error4
lcall lock
setb 04h
jmp start
error4: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start

dev5: mov r1,#045h
mov r3,#05h
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock5
jmp lock5
unlock5:jnb 05h,error5
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr5
clr 05h
hr5:   jmp start
lock5:jb 05h,error5
lcall lock
setb 05h
jmp start
error5: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start

dev6: mov r1,#04ah
mov r3,#06h
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock6
jmp lock6
unlock6:jnb 06h,error6
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr6
clr 06h
hr6:   jmp start
lock6:jb 06h,error6
lcall lock
setb 06h
jmp start
error6: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start

dev7: mov r1,#050h
mov r3,#07h
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock7
jmp lock7
unlock7:jnb 07h,error7
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr7
clr 07h
hr7:jmp start
lock7:jb 07h,error7
lcall lock
setb 07h
jmp start
error7: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start
dev8: mov r1,#055h
mov r3,#08h
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock8
jmp lock8
unlock8:jnb 08h,error8
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr8
clr 08h
hr8:   jmp start
lock8:jb 08h,error8
lcall lock
setb 08h
jmp start
error8: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start

dev9: mov r1,#05ah
mov r3,#09h
lcall scan
cjne a,#80h,unlock9
jmp lock9
unlock9:jnb 09h,error9
lcall unlock
jb 0ah,hr9
clr 09h
hr9: jmp start
lock9:jb 09h,error9
lcall lock
setb 09h
jmp start
error9: mov a,#40h
mov dptr,#2040h
movx @dptr,a
push dptr
push r0
push r1
mov r0,#ffh
lcall 6798h
pop r1
pop r0
pop dptr
jmp start
;                    OUTPUT SECTION
org 0a000h
out:   mov a,r3         ;loading the device number
mov dptr,#2041h
movx @dptr,a
This program is assembled using DASM assembler and the hex file is downloaded to the 8051 microcontroller kit.

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141 thoughts on “Programmable number lock system

  1. i am a student of electronics engineering in mumbai and i have studied your project and choosed it as our final year project and we dont know how to interface the ckt with the microcontroller kit can you help……and where is microcontroller kit in this project? can u send me the ckt diag of microcontroller kit

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