Programmable number lock system is a high security number lock system that can be used to lock electronic devices. The present system is very user friendly. This system is a combination of software and hardware at its best. We have used a 8051 microcontroller kit for interfacing our system.
In the present design we can activate or deactivate 9 devices. Each device is locked using a 4 digit code (password). The code can be set as per the user’s desire, hence the name ‘ PROGRAMMABLE ‘. For the device to be activated (unlocked), the user should enter the code that had been entered when the device was locked. In case the user enters the wrong code a silent alarm will be activated.
Introduction to Programmable number lock system:
The system has three units, namely:
- Keyboard unit.
- Display unit.
- Control unit.
The keyboard unit consists of 9 number keys, 1 unlock key and 1 lock key. These are all push button switches. This unit is used to select the desired device and to enter the codes into the system. It is also used to request the system to lock/unlock the selected device.
The display section contains 5 seven segment display. This unit displays the device number and the code entered. This section is detachable. If detached it does not affect the working of the whole system. This unit also contains password reset button and an LED to indicate the error when the device is already locked and user wants to lock the device again. The error indicator also indicates an error when the system is already unlocked and the user tries to unlock the same.
The control unit is the heart of our system. It contains the necessary circuitry for the control of the device .This unit controls 9 devices, which is lock/unlock by selecting it using the keyboard and entering the password. If the code entered to unlock the device is wrong, then a silent alarm is triggered .The keyboard unit and the display unit are connected to this unit.
All these three units are merged together to form the whole system.

Block diagram of Programmable number lock system:

Working of the system:
When the system is initially installed the reset button is pressed. This key is present in the control unit. This unlocks all the devices. This is to avoid undesired functioning of the system.
To lock a particular device the device number is selected using the keyboard. Once the device is selected the user has to press the lock key present in the keyboard. Now the device waits for the user to enter the the code. The user can enter a 4 digit number using the keyboard as per his desire. Once all the 4 digits are entered the system electronically locks the selected device.
In the same manner to unlock a particular device, the device number is entered using the keyboard. Once the device number is selected the code for the selected device is entered. If the entered code matches the code that had been entered while that particular device was locked then the selected device will be activated (unlocked). If the codes do not match each other a silent alarm will be triggered (a LED placed in the control section. Shown in figure 3).An error indicator (placed in the display section) is provided if any user tries to lock a device which has already been locked or vice versa.
If the user is half way entering the code or has done an error while entering the code and wants to start over all again then a reset button is provided in the display section. By pressing this button the user can start from entering the device number and so on.
The number of devices which the system can control can be increased by addition of a few components in the control unit. More security can be achieved by increasing the number of digits in the code. This can be done by minor changes in the program. The system uses the internal RAM of the 8051 to store the code and hence puts a lower limit to the number of digits in the code and also the number of devices the system can control. Once the system is installed only the display unit and keyboard unit will be accessible to the user. Access to the control unit should be provided only to an official personal since it contains the system reset button.
i am a student of electronics engineering in mumbai and i have studied your project and choosed it as our final year project and we dont know how to interface the ckt with the microcontroller kit can you help……and where is microcontroller kit in this project? can u send me the ckt diag of microcontroller kit
Dear sir
Sir can u plz mail me the c code of the above project.
Thank u in advance.
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