An Integrated Circuit tester (IC tester) is used to test Integrated Circuits (ICs). We can easily test any digital IC using this kind of an IC tester. For testing an IC, we need to use different hardware circuits for different ICs; like we need a particular kind of tester for testing a logic gate and another for testing flip flops or shift registers which involves more complication and time involved will also be more. So here’s an IC tester to overcome this problem. Unlike other IC testers, this is more reliable and easier since we don’t need to rig up different kind of circuits for different kind of ICs, each time we need to test them.
Unlike the IC testers available in the market today which are usually expensive, this IC tester is affordable and user-friendly. This IC tester is constructed using 8951 microcontroller along with a keyboard and a display unit. It can test digital ICs having a maximum of 24 pins. Since it is programmable, any number of ICs can be tested within the constraint of the memory available. This IC tester can be used to test a wide variety of ICs which includes simple logic gates and also sequential and combinational ICs like flip-flops, counters, shift registers etc. It is portable and easy to use.
The block diagram of the programmable digital IC tester is as shown in below. It consists of two 8951 microcontroller ICs, a 24-pin IC socket, a keyboard unit, a display unit and indicators.
To test a particular digital IC, one needs to insert the IC into the IC socket and enter the IC number using the keyboard and then press the “ENTER” key. The IC number gets displayed in the 7-segment display unit.
Four LEDs are provided as indicators. If the IC being tested is a logic gate, then each of the 4 indicator LEDs correspond to the 4 gates of the IC. In any other case wherein the inserted IC is not a logic gate, all the 4 LEDs work as a single indicator.

Block diagram of Programmable Digital IC Tester:

Pls sent me circuit diagram of Microcontroller based digital IC tester for all Ic’s …. Including upto 40 pins IC.
pls send me the project details wit source code !!!pls
hi sir,
i saw your project. it is realy nice and i want to work as my final year projectt
please provide me all codes and circuit diagram with explaination…
thnking ypu
cheers : ABHISHEK
Hey, I just this project and am amazed at how you made this remarkable IC tester.
I would like to implement this project myself as well, so if you please
send me more info on this project like source code,
circuit diagram (in detail) and anything else that might be helpful in me
making this project.
Thanking u in advance and waiting for your reply
Hamza Zad Gul
nice project
hey,this is surprise for me .pl send me all detail of d ic tester so that i will workout on it for my students
more info
I have seen this project and am amazed at how you made this remarkable IC tester.
I would like to implement this project myself as well, so if you please
send me more info on this project like source code,
circuit diagram (in detail) and anything else that might be helpful in me
making this project.
Thanking u in advance and waiting for your reply
Soumen Pandit
Please send me the circuit diagram and the code.
We really need it for our project.
ASAP pls.
Send me all the details. Thanks a lot.
We really appreciate this site.
It helps.
pls send me circuit diagram & source code of digital ic tester project
iam very interested to do the project by myself.iam doing engineering in ece .i am in 4th year.Kindly send me the details of the circuits and the codes.
please send circuit diagram and assembly language code of Digital IC tester
sir i am in 7th sem can you send me the whole circuit diagram with both source code and hex code of this…….thanks
send me the components required and also circuitdiagram and code forthis
I have long been trying to explain the exact thing to my pals but I think it’s better if I just email them the link to this article instead! Thanks for writing such an informative post.Nice one.
will u plz send me the more info related to this project
please could u send me the circuit of digital IC tester
can you send me the whole details regarding with this project like ckt diagram,source code and the software file for this.
i want to do this project…as my final year project..
don’t forget to send me plz plz..
i saw your project & i m interseted to do this
so pls send me detail regarding this project.
hello ….. i am impressed by ur project and have decided to make it myself
but as i am a novice i have decided only to make this project 4 7400 series
IC (I have selected 6 basics IC’s for this purpose). I am having problems
interfacing the keypad with the microcontroller i would be very thankful
to u if u can please email ur code for interfacing keypad.
anticipating ur reply eagerly
Your’s Sincerely
Hamza Zad Gul
i will be really thankful to you if you send me the details of the project………………………
Hi Sir,
plz send me the details about digital ic tester project including ckt
diagram. I will be really thankfull to you.
hi sir.
sir i am struggling with the designing of digital ic tester. sir i am the
student of e&tc engg. 3rd year, and as its my 1st project of micro-controller
so plz kindly help me in designing a ic tester.
i ll be thankfull to you.
pls help me send the source code.
I am struggling with it.
please send to the circuit diagram of digital i.c. tester
with regards
please provide circuit diagram of digital i.c. tester
with regards
Good Day,
I need your help in order for me to get the full article of this project.
Thank you in anticipation
Yours sincerely.
plz send me ckt diagram of digaital ic tester cum detector
Great Work….can i have the circuit diagram and the code….i really need to make this as my first project of microcontroller
please send me at
Dear Sir :
we want to buy tester ICS for my office in medical company in arabic
in country . can help me.
I think Bigfoot is blurry, that’s the problem. It’s not the photographer’s fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that’s extra scary to me. There’s a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he’s fuzzy, get out of here.
please send me the detail of this project along with source code in assembly
i need coding of this project.
please send me the circuit diagram for digital ic tester for 74 series asap..thnx
Hi, can you send me the code and circuit diagram for this project?
hi could you send me the details for this project
pls send me circuit diagram
Sir plz send me the ckt diagram of IC TESTER
hi, i am having problem with the project. PLs, could u send me the codes
and and the circuit diagram.
i want source code n circuit diagram for this… would u pls provide me..
Pls sent me circuit diagram of Microcontroller based digital IC tester for all Ic’
Hey, I just read this project and am amazed at how you made this remarkable IC tester.
I would like to implement this project myself as well, so if you please
send me more info on this project like source code,
circuit diagram (in detail) and anything else that might be helpful for me
in making this project.
waiting for your reply
Pls sent me circuit diagram of Microcontroller based digital IC tester for all Ic’s …. Including upto 40 pins IC.
clear circuit diagram
plz send that circuit diagaram
sir,i also want to do this project my self. . . .but i tried also but i not getting how to interface the IC SOCKET AND LEDS and keypads………SO sir please send me the circuit diagram and source code and more please help me sir…….
Yes sir.I also need your help if you don’t mind may i ask a favor from you.Could you please send me the complete source code and circuit diagram.I’m also interested to make this project in my final.Please sir.Hoping for your kind response.
And i have question sir.,is the circuit diagram found above complete???And how about the program??could I use it???
Do you have more info for me? So i can build it to?
Dear sir,
I wonder if it is possible to get more information about the project?(technical information)
If it is,can you send me all the details?