An Integrated Circuit tester (IC tester) is used to test Integrated Circuits (ICs). We can easily test any digital IC using this kind of an IC tester. For testing an IC, we need to use different hardware circuits for different ICs; like we need a particular kind of tester for testing a logic gate and another for testing flip flops or shift registers which involves more complication and time involved will also be more. So here’s an IC tester to overcome this problem. Unlike other IC testers, this is more reliable and easier since we don’t need to rig up different kind of circuits for different kind of ICs, each time we need to test them.
Unlike the IC testers available in the market today which are usually expensive, this IC tester is affordable and user-friendly. This IC tester is constructed using 8951 microcontroller along with a keyboard and a display unit. It can test digital ICs having a maximum of 24 pins. Since it is programmable, any number of ICs can be tested within the constraint of the memory available. This IC tester can be used to test a wide variety of ICs which includes simple logic gates and also sequential and combinational ICs like flip-flops, counters, shift registers etc. It is portable and easy to use.
The block diagram of the programmable digital IC tester is as shown in below. It consists of two 8951 microcontroller ICs, a 24-pin IC socket, a keyboard unit, a display unit and indicators.
To test a particular digital IC, one needs to insert the IC into the IC socket and enter the IC number using the keyboard and then press the “ENTER” key. The IC number gets displayed in the 7-segment display unit.
Four LEDs are provided as indicators. If the IC being tested is a logic gate, then each of the 4 indicator LEDs correspond to the 4 gates of the IC. In any other case wherein the inserted IC is not a logic gate, all the 4 LEDs work as a single indicator.

Block diagram of Programmable Digital IC Tester:

Hello Sir, This project sounds really interesting… i would like to do it as my mini project…can you kindly send me the circuit diagram and the hex program for this project..i would be really gratefull….
i am very much intrested in this project as this will have a lot of advantages i want assembly program for keypad and lcd interfacing to 89c51 microcontroller.if i press two keys at a time from keypad tha sting will be displayed in lcd.
and can u please send the schematics and programs to my mail please
I am a student of Electronics Engineering. I have studied and chosen this project as my final year project, I am keenly interested in it. sir I am stuck with the circuit diagram. What I need is the following:
1)Complete description on how we can interface keyboard and indicator to the 8951 microcontroller
2) Is this keyboard different from the keyboard of computer, if yes How can I design it?
3)You have said that this digital IC tester is used to test any ICs and to test a particular digital IC, one needs to insert the IC into the IC socket and enter the IC number using the keyboard and then press the “ENTER” key. The IC number gets displayed in the 7-segment display unit.Here, what part of the IC is tested? please, verify it for me.
4)Regarding to the above comments I wrote I need your response as early as possible (to mean your reply for what I have asked must be in a short period of time).
You can send me all the necessary information via my e-mail
Helo sir ;
Very good mornig. I was trying to talk with you for along time whe I see this this project .
And I want to talk with you for a long time but when I “LEAVE A REPLY” , I was very much happy . mi m student of m. sc electronics final year now I decided to work I this project . I m working about one month but I was filling some problem . I want to know that how I can make contact when persion enter the ic number and related program run & result on disply board .plz help me sir please sir ……………….
Sir I need inter facingf circuit a C- code.
Shailesh agrahari
SIR MY E-mail is (agrahari_shailesh
shailesh kumar agrahari
sir plz help me . ………………….
sir and all of viewers,
i’m a student of electronics, final semester. sir i am interested to make a project for ic tester which tests some analog ics such as op-amp ics, timer ics, comparator ics, ADC ics, transister array ics, opto coupler ics etc analog ics.
Can u send me the c code of this project? i need to submit this project completely within a weeks. please help me and send me the c code and circuit diagram and all the other things which’ll help me in my project.
plz send to my mail id.
i’ll be highly obliged to you
thank you
my email id
Good Project……….But what if the IC is not properly configured and what if it does not work before it is being tested.
An IC tester should be that whether it is in a working condition or not is also has to be tested …….prior to knowing that it is a particular IV like a NAND,NOR gate etc
lpeas can you send me the details about this project iam intrested to do this
lpeas can you send me the details about this project ,iam intrested to do this
pleas can you send me the details about this project ,iam intrested to do this
sir, i’m doing a navigator which can move in mazes automatically,
remoted in the second mode,, and automatically in the free space.
can i use 8051mc for these three modes?
hello,sir i am interested in doing this projeect can be help me by sending the program code in hex code n in c language and also the pcb of the project
can u please send me the detailed circuit diagram. (
Very nice blog, your article is interesting, i have bookmarked it for future referrence
I want to start the project.Can you please inspire me about this.
can i get the information about how this tester checks the IC??
can i get the detailed connection diagram for this project??
sir,good afternoon.i am a third year engg student wish to do the “digital IC tester” project.from the net i had come to know that u have also done the same i want ur help in this project.
i want to know:
1:detailed circuit diagram and details abt the project.
2:PCB layout of the project.
3:how it tests the IC that is how it checks the IC.what is the logic ?
4:why to use 2 microcontrollers?
sir i wll be thankful to u,if u please help me in this matter.
u can send me the related info via the same email( send as early as possible.
once again thankyou.
sir please do reply
dear sir,
this project is very interesting ad i want to make this one as my final project. so sir plese send me the hex codes ad circuit diagram of that project on my id. i m very thankful to you sir.
plese reply
i am making a project of digital ic tester using 89s52 microcontroller.
can u help me by sending me some detail about it
thanks sir
i do the digital ic tester project.but for pcb making we required layout diagram please ……… me
hello……..m doin project using 89s52 microcontroller…i.e digital ic tester………m getting stuck up in some part of tat…….plz suggest a suitable circuit diagram
sir, i want to do it as my mini project,plz provide me full circuit diagram through mail n also tell me approx. cost for this project.
thank u
can any one tell me that how a lock system can be made which will be opened by a voice code
i mean a king of statement by which it will open
[..] A bit unrelated, but I really liked this site post [..]
[..] A little unrelated, but I totally liked this webpage post [..]
respected sir,
i want make digital ic tester ,so i required some more detail of this project such as layout design…..more information that is required for completing the project please send me at my email.
thanks a lot
sir, good afternoon.i am a final year engg student wish to do the “digital IC tester” project.from the net i had come to know that u have also done the same i want ur help in this project.
i want to know:
1)how it tests the IC that is how it checks the IC.what is the logic ?
sir i wll be thankful to u,if u please help me in this matter
plz. send information on
Thak you
sir, i am a final year student i am making IC tester in my major project. can u pls help me by proving hex code for this project also i want to know the ckt shown on this site is complete or we have to add some more components.
pls reply on
Hi! please send me information on IC 89s52 as we are using this Ic in our project named TRIPPING SEQUENCE DETECTOR.
I think,
1)setb a.0 is wrong instruction,Instd of tht u can use=>
mov a,#01h..
2)LED disply will show only 2 digits,like 04/32/86..Then y 5 seven segmentLED are used?
Also for 4LED’s u could hav used remaining pins of P3 port of master IC with the help of some minor changes in code..
Comment/reply expected asap..
sir can u just send me the hex code nd circuit daigram of the digital ic tester.waiying 4 ur reply…………………..
sir can u just send me the hex code nd circuit daigram of the digital ic tester.waiting 4 ur reply…………………..
Hello sir
Our project is “Water level measurement based on Guided Wave Radar”.Plz
send us information related this.I am waiting for ur rply.Plz sir rply
This seems to be nice…. But I wanna simplify this project…
(i.e) I’ve to give inputs to Ic from port 0 and get the output to microcontroller
With that output I’ve to display which gate is it(In 74 series)… Will you help me…?!!
i am an electronics engineering student.
i would like to chose this as my final year project.
pls send me the all data and informations about this project.
i would like to know the total cost of the project.
i am waiting for ur reply sir……..
hi all,
I am an civil engineer and having a keen interest in electronics. my daughter is in Final year BE(IC) and she has selected this project (Digital Ic Tester) for her final year presentation. We have decided to build this project at own. we have finished the circuitery part as well as 89c51 programming. But the project is not upto the mark.we r in confuse ,wether it has hardware error or programming error. when i give 5 volt to circuit ,some 7-seg start to blink.but not keypad operation succed.i used wellon ic programmer. but it only accept .obj or .hax file.and our code is in assaambly. i had tried lot off software available on net. but no results. it gives lot off error like illegal oerand error,etc. will any one give me the .hax file. otherwise all our works will be in dustbin. I have knowledge of c and vb, but not femilier with assambly language.can anyone help.It is alredy passed the due date for her presentation.but no email is
I have corrected the code but hardware does not working. It seems it require more component in circuit or design is incomplete. It is vsry sad to inform that we have selected this project for final year.all the documentaion is alraedy prepared but hardware does not work after many many consultation till today. And my daughter is going to submitte her project which is not working. It is vary sad that i have trust on this site and choose the project but it does not working. Code itself has very much error and hardware design is also incomlete. I have realy very much ashame that i have select this project from this site and played with the carreer of my daughter.
i like this idea and would like to implement it as my final year project.
i would be grateful if u can provide me following things..
1]Complete description on how we can interface keyboard and indicator to the 8951 microcontroller
2] Is this keyboard different from the keyboard of computer, if yes How can I design it?
3]You have said that this digital IC tester is used to test any ICs and to test a particular digital IC, one needs to insert the IC into the IC socket and enter the IC number using the keyboard and then press the “ENTER” key. The IC number gets displayed in the 7-segment display unit.Here, what part of the IC is tested?
4]detailed circuit diagram and details abt the project.
5]PCB layout of the project.
6]how it tests the IC that is how it checks the IC.what is the logic ?
7]why to use 2 microcontrollers?
also if u have any links or other material which supports this poject .
thanking you in advance..!!
Integrated circuits can fail because of internal shorts. I have seen chips smoke, explode, and melt plastic breadboards. I see that you do not protect the 8951 chips from high currents. Is this not necessary?
Longboarding is amazing…that is all.
Morning sir
okay aq sangat tertarik dengan artikel sirkuit ic tester ini,tapi teori
dan praktek sangatlah berbeda’aq pikir hanya beberapa ic yang boleh di
tes ‘yang lain mungkin tidak boleh ,gimana dengan pendapatku .
dear Sir,
Can you please provide me with all the information of this project.
Please send me the schematic and ALP for the above project on my mail.
Thank you.
Many queries naturally for a nice project, but no reply from administrators of
Lots of Regards
sir. can you tell me why i use two 8951 for prepaired IC tester
Hello sir,
I am happy by seeing your IC TESTER. I submitted your tester as
as my project(,embedded system).can i get more informmation about
your IC TESTER. please sir can u help me.
can i get documentation of digital ic tester