I have designed it just for fun and it’s my 1st Line Follower Robot . First I want to know how the line sensor work.
Finally I spent only USD $ 6-7 to build the robot.
There is no MicroController so we do not need to programm. I just used comparator IC using LM339, two H-bridge sensor using eight transistors FCS9013, and four transistors, FSC 9012. For the sensor you can use LED and LDR as the light receiver. I changed the LDR sensor to IR sensor.
I built this robot using only the analog comparator and IR sensor, no microcontroller. This is smart idea and very cheap approach.
You can download Click this Download PCB FILE (ExpressPCB file)

R1, R7, R13, R14, R15, R16 – 330 1/4W +/-1%
R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12 – 10K 1/4W +/-1%
R17, R18, R19, R20 – 150 1/4W +/-1%
VR1, VR2 – 20K-50K
Led1, Led3 – LED(red) 3mm Led
Led2, Led4 – LED(green) 3mm Led
Optocoupler – 2 piece
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q8, Q9, Q12 – FSC 9013
Q6, Q7, Q10, Q11 – FCS 9012
U1 – LM 339
Battery 9 volt – 1 piece
Motor DVD dc 5Volt – 2 pieces
Tank toys for mechanic and wheel – 2 pieces

There are two line styles, white line on the black floor and black line on the white floor.
If you use black line on the white floor, you can set the robot if the Right-Sensor is on the dark side or black line and Left-Sensor is on the floor it will go to forward (by swap polarity of the motor). If the Right-Sensor is on the floor and Left-Sensor is on the black line it will go to backward.
That’s it… you can add wireless cam for to see how the robot walk… ^_^ Thank You

This project by Tahan Prahara,
Email: prahara_satria@yahoo.co.id
this is very good project and mostly used in final projects
Brijesh Arya
EmTech Foundation
bobo wala schematic
can u give full details of this project.Because i give it name for my final year project.
i’m very much interested in doin this project
so kindly can you give the full details of the project including circuit diagram and pcb layout
really this is very interesting
i really liked ur project very much can u give the details about it
i’m very much interested in doin this project
so kindly can you give the full details of the project including circuit diagram and pcb layout
really this is very interesting.
i’m very much interested in doin this project
so kindly can you give the full details of the project including circuit diagram and pcb layout
really this is very interesting.
plz send on my id-dhananjaygaya88@gmail.com
hi . this s really cool . can u pl send the project details especially the pcb layout to my mail id ?
hi . this s really cool . can u pl send the project details especially the pcb layout to my mail id ? mohancarthik@gmail.com
i like your project plz give me some details about it
sir i wanna to complete the project on flying robot plz send me detail…
hey it very interesting.
could u plz help me by sending d detail of d given robo i wil very thank ful to u. to ma email id:
Buset keren ya…sayange aku ora dikei……….
i am very interested in your project please give the details to do this project
Je suis très intéressé par votre projet s’il vous plaît donner les détails pour faire de ce proje
this is really nice.pls send me the full details about the project.especially about pcb lay out
and functionning.thankuuuu………..
my email id: rajeshkannapwf@gmail.com
i am very interested in your project please send me full details to do this project
hey, nice job…plz send me more details…….
hello sir
project is very interesting.
if you don’t mind, plz send me project detail and pcb layout.
hiiiiiiii plz can u send me the full details of how u made it as fast as possible without usin the micro controller in details plzzzz and also how to integrate the camrea with it so dat i can view it wirelessly k thank you and fast plzzzzz
my mail is sushil_2316@yahoo.in
i’m very much interested in doin this project
so kindly can you give the full details of the project including circuit diagram and pcb layout
really this is very interesting
can u email the whole refences? actually how it does work?
can u email the whole refenrences? actually how it does work?
i’m very much interested in doin this project
so kindly can you give the full details of the project including circuit diagram and pcb layout
really this is very interesting.
mail: cooldude_shankaran@yahoo.co.in
can u send me the full details of this project , i have a same event ( exhibition ) this year in my university .
i am very much interested in doing this project
so kindly can you give the full details of the project including circuit diagram and pcb layout
really this is very interesting.
hi sir
i am very much interested on your project i want do that project
in collage association day please please send the project with full details
(ckt diagram parts required and stripboard layout) please send
i like it so much plz tel me its ckt. diagram i m b.tech final year student i want make this project
I am very interested in your project
please send me full details to do this project along with ckt dia and source code also
Hi there! Really impressed there bro!
Can you please give me a complete detail of the project on d_fact@live.com 😉
hi, sir ur project is very cool plz send me ful detail in ur project @project description
mail id:vidyadeepak.yamarthi@gmail.com
hey i m vry much impressed!!!
can u plzzzzzz mail me da details of ur project..
my id: yakshan99@gmail.com
this is really interesting.i would like to do this as my project.so kindly send me the circuit diagram and complete details.
hi there ,
this is a great idea
and i think that i will chose it for my final project
so plz can u provide me with some information like circuit diagram, source codes, components required to build the ckt and theory. plz send me the info on my e-mail
plz contact me as soon as possible
plz send me the details of this project….and connection digram also
congratulation , great project , can you mail me the java code and the file PCB
Dear All, I am sory never reply yours question, I am stop developing on electrical project. I am starting now. I will update it soon Thanks you
hai/..this is very good .. can yousend the circuit diagram and java program for the project.
mymail id is bhavanisweety95@gmail.com.