Morals, values, and beliefs of individuals, families, and societies are referred to as ethics. The term has multiple meanings. It is essentially an activity and process of investigation. Second, while dealing with concerns and conflicts, it differs from non-moral matters. Finally, ethics refers to a system of moral views, attitudes, and behaviours held by individuals, families, or groups.
It entails investigating current events, making decisions, and resolving problems. Furthermore, through the duties, rights, responsibilities, and obligations, ethics teaches us how to live and respond to challenges.
Similar concepts are found in religion, although the reasoning on methods is limited. Religions’ concepts and practises have changed with time (history), by place (geography, climatic circumstances), religion, society, language, caste, and creed. However, ethics has progressed well beyond the aforementioned barriers. The goal of ethics is to universally examine and implement the ideas and behaviours.
Work Ethics:
Industry and society are two intertwined systems that interact with one another. Industry/business systems that supply manufacturing, distribution, and consuming activities are required by society.
It requires capital (investment), labour (input), raw materials (supply), production (industries, businesses), marketing and distribution (transport), and consumption (consumption) (public, customer). Many transactions (and interactions) take place between these subsystems.
People must be involved in order for society to thrive. Work ethics are quite important in this situation.
Work ethics is defined as a set of attitudes that are concerned with the worth of work and serve to motivate people. Work ethics fulfils obligations to one’s self, family, society, and country. Individual rights are respected and protected. Every human being cultivates and enjoys values and virtues.
In addition, the quality of life is enhanced, and the environment is preserved. Unemployment and underemployment, on the other hand, cause discontent, social tensions, and even militancy. To thrive as a developed nation, a developing economy and society, such as ours, must promote work ethics at all levels.
Codes Of Ethics

A corporate member
- must apply his or her knowledge and experience to the community’s benefit, health, and safety without regard to sectional or private interests.
- must act with honour, honesty, and decency in all of his professional acts in order to earn the community’s and profession’s trust.
- must behave with diligence, care, sincerity, and honesty solely in the areas of his competence.
- must use his knowledge and skills in the best interests of his company or the clients for whom he will serve, without jeopardising other responsibilities under these precepts.
- He or his collaborators shall not falsify or misrepresent their qualifications, experience, or other information.
- should take all reasonable steps to inform himself, his employer, or his clients of the environmental, economic, social, and other possible implications of his conduct, if necessary and relevant.
- shall make a statement or give testimony with the highest honesty and fairness, and shall do so on the basis of proper knowledge.
- shall not harm another member’s professional reputation directly or indirectly.
- must reject any offer that may involve unfair practises or result in needless environmental damage.
- shall be concerned about and act to the best of his ability to ensure the long-term viability of the development process.
- shall not act in any way that may harm the institution’s reputation or create financial or other harm to the institution.