The Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project (KSHIP):
- The World Bank is supporting a project by the Karnataka government’s Public Works Department to upgrade the state’s road system.
- In 1996, the Public Works Department conducted a Strategic Option Study (SOS) on a network of 13,362 km of roads, including State Highways and Major District Roads. The study selected 2888 km of roads that should receive priority enhancements.
- The Department of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, has accepted Project Coordinating Consultancy (PCC) Services from the World Bank to investigate and prepare a detailed project report on the 2888 kms and Institutional Development Strategy (IDS) Study. This loan for technical assistance (T.A.) is worth US$3.2 million.
- Eight contract packages, with contract values ranging from Rs. 35 crores to Rs. 205 crores, would be used to carry out the work related to upgrading and widening of 992 Km under International Competitive Bidding (ICB).
- National Competitive Bidding will be used to buy rehabilitation and upgrade contracts with smaller values, ranging from Rs. 3 crore to Rs. 38 crore (NCB).

Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited (KRDCL):
- In accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Act of 1956, it was established as a fully owned government of Karnataka company on July 21, 1999.
- The Department of Public Works, Ports, and Inland Water Transport oversees KRDCL. This company was founded to promote surface infrastructure by undertaking road works, bridge construction, etc., to improve the road network by undertaking road widening and strengthening, bridge construction, road maintenance, etc., and to take up projects on BOT, BOOT. Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited has worked to establish connectivity to all nooks and crannies of the State ever since it was founded.