Tokens from several languages are merged to form a C programme. These tokens consist of:

  • Keywords
  • Identifiers
  • Constants
  • string literal
  • Symbols


  • Keywords are reserved terms that cannot be used to name variables or functions elsewhere in the programme. They are only utilised for the purpose for which they were designed. Their predetermined functions are known.Return is one such keyword that is used to create return statements for functions. Auto, If, Default, and others are other examples.


  • Variables and functions are assigned identifiers in order to distinguish them from one another. Although their definitions are entirely up to us, there are some guidelines we must abide by when naming identifiers. One such restriction states that special symbols like @, -, *,, etc. are not permitted in the name.Because C is case-sensitive, an identifier with a capital letter and one with a tiny letter in the same location will be different. The three words “Code,” “code,” and “cOde,” for instance, can be used as three distinct IDs.


  • Variables and constants share many similarities, and both can contain any form of data. A constant’s value never changes, which is the only distinction between a constant and a variable.

Literal strings

  • The characters in a string literal or string constant are encapsulated in double quotation marks. This is a string literal, for instance! ” is a literal string. The same is used by the C function printf() to prepare the output.


  • Symbols are unique characters used to carry out specific functions. By using them, you can tell the compiler what certain operations should be made on the supplied data. Numeral operators like +, * and bitwise operators like & are a few examples of symbols.
Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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