Basics of Function

Using functions, one can break up a huge C programme into more manageable chunks.

A function can be invoked more than once to give the C programme modularity and reusability.

Procedures, subroutines, and methods are other names for functions.

A piece of code that completes a certain task is known as a function. A function is nothing more than a collection of code that has been given a name and may be called at any time without having to write the entire program’s code over and again. I am aware that the syntax is a little challenging to understand, but after reading this entire article about functions, you will be familiar with all of the terms and concepts linked to them.

Functions’ Benefits

  • We may avoid repeatedly writing the same logic or code when we use functions.
  • We can divide the task among the programmers with the aid of functions.
  • Using functions, we can quickly identify flaws in any application.
  • They simplify and make coding more readable.
  • Function declaration characteristics
  • A function is declared here in order to inform the compiler that it exists.


A function is created to carry out a specific activity. (It signifies that when we create a function, we write the entire code for that function, and this is where the function is actually implemented.


This is the point at which a function is used by calling it.

kinds of operations

  • Library functions: In the C language, library functions are predefined functions. These are the functions that must be present in C header files before any other code if it is to be used. For instance, printf(), scanf(), etc.
  • User-defined functions:User-defined functions are those that a programmer develops to simplify a program’s complexity. Instead, these are user-created functions that meet a program’s criteria. For instance, any function a programmer creates.
Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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