C++ program that uses non-recursive functions to traverse a binary tree in Post-order

/* Write C++ program that uses non-recursive functions to traverse a binary tree in Post-order */

class node
class node *left;
class node *right;
int data;
class tree: public node
int stk[50],top;
node *root;
void insert(int ch)
node *temp,*temp1;
if(root== NULL)
root=new node;
temp1=new node;
node *search(node *temp,int ch)
if(root== NULL)
cout <<"no node present";
return NULL;
if(temp->left==NULL && temp->right== NULL)
return temp;
{  if(temp->left==NULL) return temp;
{ if(temp->right==NULL) return temp;
}              }
void display(node *temp)
return ;
cout<<temp->data << " ";
void postorder( node *root)
node *p;
while(stk[top-1] > 0 || top==0)
if(top==0) return;
cout << stk[top-1] <<" ";
}	}
node * pop(node *p)
int ch;
return p;
void main()
tree t1;
int ch,n,i;
cout <<"\n1.INSERT\n2.DISPLAY 3.POSTORDER TRAVERSE\n4.EXIT\nEnter your choice:";
cin >> ch;
case 1:   cout <<"enter no of elements to insert:";
cout<<"\n enter the elements";
cin >> n;
{  cin >> ch;
case 2:   t1.display(t1.root);break;
case 3:   t1.postorder(t1.root); break;
case 4:   exit(1);


Enter your choice:1
enter no of elements to insert:
enter the elements7
5 24 36 11 44 2 21

Enter your choice:2
2 5 11 21 24 36 44

Enter your choice:3
2 21 11 44 36 24 5

Enter your choice:4

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54 thoughts on “C++ program that uses non-recursive functions to traverse a binary tree in Post-order

  1. more easy code :
    file : a.in
    LR 6
    L 3
    RL 5
    RR 8
    R 7
    LLL 4

    code :
    Algorithm: Create and Traverse a Binary Tree
    implementation: Link List[non recursively]
    Copy right @ rizoan toufiq
    using namespace std;
    #define s 100
    typedef struct tree{
    int data;
    struct tree *right;
    struct tree *left;
    node *root=NULL;
    /******creat a root of tree***************/
    void makeroot(int v){
    root=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
    /****** create tree ********************/
    void creattree(char path[],int v){
    //path sent by value
    node *r=NULL,*t=NULL;
    int i;
    for(i=0;ileft==NULL){//no node
    t=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
    else//move left
    r= r->left;
    if(r->right==NULL){//no node
    t=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
    else//move left
    r= r->right;
    r->data = v;//set value of empty node
    /************ inorder traverse ***************/
    void inorder(struct tree *r){//call by value
    //push left most path
    //no node for back track
    //process data
    printf(“NULL_NODE “);
    printf(“%d “,r->data);
    /************preorder traverse*****************/
    void preorder(struct tree *r){
    printf(“NULL_NODE “);
    printf(“%d “,r->data);

    /***********postorder traverse*****************/
    void postorder(struct tree *r){
    bool a[s]={true};//identify left node
    int c = 0;// for break/count stack data
    //Push left most path on stack
    a[c] = true;
    r= r->left;
    //pop node from stack
    //process in data
    printf(“NULL_NODE “);
    printf(“%d “,r->data);
    /************* main **************************/
    int main(){
    int value;
    char str[s];
    FILE *F=freopen("a.in","r",stdin);
    return 1;
    while(scanf("%s %d\n",str,&value)!=EOF){

    printf("\nInorder BT:\n———–\n\t");

    printf("\npreorder BT:\n———–\n\t");

    printf("\npostorder BT:\n———–\n\t");
    return 0;
    /******************** end *******************/

  2. I have written a code for post order.
    But it shows segmentation fault.
    Please correct the code.

    void btree::npostorder(node *root)
    node *temp;

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