C++ program to implement Heap sort Algorithm

#include <iostream.h>
const int MAX = 10 ;
class array
private :
int arr[MAX] ;
int count ;
public :
array( ) ;
void add ( int num ) ;
void makeheap(int ) ;
void heapsort( ) ;
void display( ) ;
} ;
array :: array( )
count = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX ; i++ )
arr[MAX] = 0 ;
void array :: add ( int num )
if ( count < MAX )
arr[count] = num ;
count++ ;
cout << "\nArray is full" << endl ;
void array :: makeheap(int c)
for ( int i = 1 ; i < c ; i++ )
int val = arr[i] ;
int s = i ;
int f = ( s - 1 ) / 2 ;
while ( s > 0 && arr[f] < val )
arr[s] = arr[f] ;
s = f ;
f = ( s - 1 ) / 2 ;
arr[s] = val ;
void array :: heapsort( )
for ( int i = count - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
int ivalue = arr[i] ;
arr[i] = arr[0] ;
void array :: display( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
cout << arr[i] << "\t" ;
cout << endl ;
void main( )
array a ;
a.add ( 11 ) ;
a.add ( 2 ) ;
a.add ( 9 ) ;
a.add ( 13 ) ;
a.add ( 57 ) ;
a.add ( 25 ) ;
a.add ( 17 ) ;
a.add ( 1 ) ;
a.add ( 90 ) ;
a.add ( 3  ) ;
a.makeheap(10) ;
cout << "\nHeap Sort.\n" ;
cout << "\nBefore Sorting:\n"  ;
a.display( ) ;
a.heapsort( ) ;
cout << "\nAfter Sorting:\n" ;
a.display( ) ;
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13 thoughts on “C++ program to implement Heap sort Algorithm

  1. It’s output is just the same with those in the selection sort. Does the code also works for the selection sort or only for heap sort?

  2. Correct me if I am wrong, instead of

    while ( s > 0 && arr[f] 0 && arr[f] < val )
    arr[s] = arr[f] ;
    s = f ;
    f = ( s – 1 ) / 2 ;
    arr[s] = val ;
    void array :: makeheap(int c)

    for ( int i = 1 ; i 0 && arr[f] < val )
    swap(arr, s, f)
    s = f ;
    f = ( s – 1 ) / 2 ;

  3. write a program for priority queue. where all the property will satisfy that means maximum, heap increase key, insertition, deletion , return max operation should present?

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