C++ program to implement B-Trees

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <alloc.h>
const int MAX = 4 ;
const int MIN = 2 ;
struct btnode
int count ;
int value[MAX + 1] ;
btnode *child[MAX + 1] ;
} ;
class btree
private :
btnode *root ;
public :
btree( ) ;
void insert ( int val ) ;
int setval ( int val, btnode *n, int *p, btnode **c ) ;
static btnode * search ( int val, btnode *root, int *pos ) ;
static int searchnode ( int val, btnode *n, int *pos ) ;
void fillnode ( int val, btnode *c, btnode *n, int k ) ;
void split ( int val, btnode *c, btnode *n,
int k, int *y, btnode **newnode ) ;
void del ( int val ) ;
int delhelp ( int val, btnode *root ) ;
void clear ( btnode *root, int k ) ;
void copysucc ( btnode *root, int i ) ;
void restore ( btnode *root, int i ) ;
void rightshift ( int k ) ;
void leftshift ( int k ) ;
void merge ( int k ) ;
void show( ) ;
static void display ( btnode *root ) ;
static void deltree ( btnode *root ) ;
~btree( ) ;
} ;
btree :: btree( )
root = NULL ;
void btree :: insert ( int val )
int i ;
btnode *c, *n ;
int flag ;
flag = setval ( val, root, &i, &c ) ;
if ( flag )
n = new btnode ;
n -> count = 1 ;
n -> value[1] = i ;
n -> child[0] = root ;
n -> child[1] = c ;
root = n ;
int btree :: setval ( int val, btnode *n, int *p, btnode **c )
int k ;
if ( n == NULL )
*p = val ;
*c = NULL ;
return 1 ;
if ( searchnode ( val, n, &k ) )
cout << endl << "Key value already exists." << endl ;
if ( setval ( val, n -> child[k], p, c ) )
if ( n -> count < MAX )
fillnode ( *p, *c, n, k ) ;
return 0 ;
split ( *p, *c, n, k, p, c ) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
btnode * btree :: search ( int val, btnode *root, int *pos )
if ( root == NULL )
return NULL ;
if ( searchnode ( val, root, pos ) )
return root ;
return search ( val, root -> child[*pos], pos ) ;
int btree :: searchnode ( int val, btnode *n, int *pos )
if ( val < n -> value[1] )
*pos = 0 ;
return 0 ;
*pos = n -> count ;
while ( ( val < n -> value[*pos] ) && *pos > 1 )
( *pos )-- ;
if ( val == n -> value[*pos] )
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
void btree :: fillnode ( int val, btnode *c, btnode *n, int k )
int i ;
for ( i = n -> count ; i > k ; i-- )
n -> value[i + 1] = n -> value[i] ;
n -> child[i + 1] = n -> child[i] ;
n -> value[k + 1] = val ;
n -> child[k + 1] = c ;
n -> count++ ;
void btree :: split ( int val, btnode *c, btnode *n,
int k, int *y, btnode **newnode )
int i, mid ;
if ( k <= MIN )
mid = MIN ;
mid = MIN + 1 ;
*newnode = new btnode ;
for ( i = mid + 1 ; i <= MAX ; i++ )
( *newnode ) -> value[i - mid] = n -> value[i] ;
( *newnode ) -> child[i - mid] = n -> child[i] ;
( *newnode ) -> count = MAX - mid ;
n -> count = mid ;
if ( k <= MIN )
fillnode ( val, c, n, k ) ;
fillnode ( val, c, *newnode, k - mid ) ;
*y = n -> value[n -> count] ;
( *newnode ) -> child[0] = n -> child[n -> count] ;
n -> count-- ;
void btree :: del ( int val )
btnode * temp ;
if ( ! delhelp ( val, root ) )
cout << endl << "Value " << val << " not found." ;
if ( root -> count == 0 )
temp = root ;
root = root -> child[0] ;
delete temp ;
int btree :: delhelp ( int val, btnode *root )
int i ;
int flag ;
if ( root == NULL )
return 0 ;
flag = searchnode ( val, root, &i ) ;
if ( flag )
if ( root -> child[i - 1] )
copysucc ( root, i ) ;
flag = delhelp ( root -> value[i], root -> child[i] ) ;
if ( !flag )
cout << endl << "Value " << val << " not found." ;
clear ( root, i ) ;
flag = delhelp ( val, root -> child[i] ) ;
if ( root -> child[i] != NULL )
if ( root -> child[i] -> count < MIN )
restore ( root, i ) ;
return flag ;
void btree :: clear ( btnode *root, int k )
int i ;
for ( i = k + 1 ; i <= root -> count ; i++ )
root -> value[i - 1] = root -> value[i] ;
root -> child[i - 1] = root -> child[i] ;
root -> count-- ;
void btree :: copysucc ( btnode *root, int i )
btnode *temp = root -> child[i] ;
while ( temp -> child[0] )
temp = temp -> child[0] ;
root -> value[i] = temp -> value[1] ;
void btree :: restore ( btnode *root, int i )
if ( i == 0 )
if ( root -> child [1] -> count > MIN )
leftshift ( 1 ) ;
merge ( 1 ) ;
if ( i == root -> count )
if ( root -> child[i - 1] -> count > MIN )
rightshift ( i ) ;
merge ( i ) ;
if ( root -> child[i - 1] -> count > MIN )
rightshift ( i ) ;
if ( root -> child[i + 1] -> count > MIN )
leftshift ( i + 1 ) ;
merge ( i ) ;
void btree :: rightshift ( int k )
int i ;
btnode *temp ;
temp = root -> child[k] ;
for ( i = temp -> count ; i > 0 ; i-- )
temp -> value[i + 1] = temp -> value[i] ;
temp -> child[i + 1] = temp -> child[i] ;
temp -> child[1] = temp -> child[0] ;
temp -> count++ ;
temp -> value[1] = root -> value[k] ;
temp = root -> child[k - 1] ;
root -> value[k] = temp -> value[temp -> count] ;
root -> child[k] -> child [0] = temp -> child[temp -> count] ;
temp -> count-- ;
void btree :: leftshift ( int k )
btnode *temp ;
temp = root -> child[k - 1] ;
temp -> count++ ;
temp -> value[temp -> count] = root -> value[k] ;
temp -> child[temp -> count] = root -> child[k] -> child[0] ;
temp = root -> child[k] ;
root -> value[k] = temp -> value[1] ;
temp -> child[0] = temp -> child[1] ;
temp -> count-- ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= temp -> count ; i++ )
temp -> value[i] = temp -> value[i + 1] ;
temp -> child[i] = temp -> child[i + 1] ;
void btree :: merge ( int k )
btnode *temp1, *temp2 ;
temp1 = root -> child[k] ;
temp2 = root -> child[k - 1] ;
temp2 -> count++ ;
temp2 -> value[temp2 -> count] = root -> value[k] ;
temp2 -> child[temp2 -> count] = root -> child[0] ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= temp1 -> count ; i++ )
temp2 -> count++ ;
temp2 -> value[temp2 -> count] = temp1 -> value[i] ;
temp2 -> child[temp2 -> count] = temp1 -> child[i] ;
for ( i = k ; i < root -> count ; i++ )
root -> value[i] = root -> value[i + 1] ;
root -> child[i] = root -> child[i + 1] ;
root -> count-- ;
delete temp1 ;
void btree :: show( )
display ( root ) ;
void btree :: display ( btnode *root )
if ( root != NULL )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < root -> count ; i++ )
display ( root -> child[i] ) ;
cout << root -> value[i + 1] << "\t" ;
display ( root -> child[i] ) ;
void btree :: deltree ( btnode *root )
if ( root != NULL )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < root -> count ; i++ )
deltree ( root -> child[i] ) ;
delete ( root -> child[i] ) ;
deltree ( root -> child[i] ) ;
delete ( root -> child[i] ) ;
btree :: ~btree( )
deltree ( root ) ;
void main( )
btree b ;
int arr[ ] = { 27, 42, 22, 47, 32, 2, 51, 40, 13 } ;
int sz = sizeof ( arr ) / sizeof ( int ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sz ; i++ )
b.insert ( arr[i] ) ;
cout << "B-tree of order 5:" << endl ;
b.show( ) ;
b.del ( 22 ) ;
b.del ( 11 ) ;
cout << "\n\nB-tree after deletion of values:" << endl ;
b.show( ) ;
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19 thoughts on “C++ program to implement B-Trees

  1. Thank you so much !!

    A few helpful edits:

    One of the lines in merge is incorrect- you set temp2’s child final pointer equal to the roots child 0, which is itself. This leads to an infinite loop when trying to print or delete etc.

    The corrected version is below:

    void btree :: merge ( int k )
    btnode *temp1, *temp2 ;
    temp1 = root -> child[k] ;
    temp2 = root -> child[k – 1] ;
    temp2 -> count++ ;
    temp2 -> value[temp2 -> count] = root -> value[k] ;
    temp2 -> child[temp2 -> count] = root -> temp1[0] ; // <– this line is the changed line

    Also, I dont understand why your leftshift rightshift and merge all use the root instead of a passed node. Maybe this works, but I found that I had to pass in the node I was currently working on instead of using the root. My full edited rightshift, leftshift, and merge functions are below.

    void BTree::leftshift( int k, BTreeNode * t){
    BTreeNode * temp;
    temp = t -> ptr[k-1];
    temp->keys[temp->totalKeys] = t -> keys[k];
    temp->ptr[temp->totalKeys] = t -> ptr[k] -> ptr[0];
    temp= t->ptr[k];
    t->keys[k] = temp -> keys[1];
    temp->ptr[0] = temp-> ptr[1];
    for (int i=1; i totalKeys; i++){
    temp->keys[i] = temp->keys[i+1];
    temp->ptr[i] = temp->ptr[i+1];

    void BTree::rightshift( int i, BTreeNode * t) {
    BTreeNode *temp, *temp2;
    temp = t -> ptr[i];
    temp2 = t -> ptr[i-1];
    for (int j=temp->totalKeys; j >0; j–){
    temp->keys[j+1] = temp->keys[j];
    temp->ptr[j+1] = temp->ptr[j];
    temp->ptr[1] = temp-> ptr[0];
    temp->keys[1] = t->keys[i];
    t->keys[i] = temp2 -> keys[temp2->totalKeys];
    t->ptr[i]->ptr[0] = temp2 -> ptr[temp2->totalKeys];

    void BTree::merge(int i, BTreeNode * t){
    BTreeNode *temp1, *temp2;
    temp1 = t -> ptr[i];
    temp2 = t ->ptr[i-1];
    temp2 -> totalKeys++;
    temp2 ->keys[temp2->totalKeys] = t->keys[i];
    temp2 ->ptr[temp2->totalKeys] = temp1->ptr[0];
    for (int j = 1; j totalKeys; j++ ) {
    temp2 -> totalKeys++;
    temp2-> keys[temp2->totalKeys] = temp1 -> keys[j];
    temp2-> ptr[temp2->totalKeys] = temp1 -> ptr[j];
    for (int j = i; j totalKeys; j++ ) {
    t-> keys[j] = t -> keys[j+1];
    t-> ptr[j] = t -> ptr[j+1];
    delete temp1;

  2. Hello,

    Nice program but too long to get into my head. Looks like you copied this from another site. Write a short program ASAP, else I’m gonna kick your ass.

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