Cyber Cafe Management System

Modular decomposition of components

Modules of components:

Identification of modules

  1. Server Connection: This feature opens a socket connection & enters wait mode unless it   receives any requests coming from the client side.
  2. User Creation & Management: This feature implements creation of different kinds of users & their management.
  3. Add records: This feature deals with adding or storing the customer details which includes his/her username,password,timeplan etc,.
  4. Get customer log information: This feature deals with retrieving the details about the current customer after each session.
  5. Display all records: This feature allows admin to keep track of all the customer & his/her details either on daily,monthly,yearly basis.
  6. Time plan: This feature allows the client to make a choice from the time plan offered i.e either prepaid or postpaid.
  7. Active users: This feature displays all the logged in clientd & the computers to which they are logged into.
  8. Client connection: This feature establishes a connection between server & the client.
  9. Client request: This feature enables the client to make request for the services provided by the cyber.

Hierarchical structure of modules:

Hierarchical structure of modules
Hierarchical structure of modules

First level factoring:

First level factoring
First level factoring

Factoring of admin module:

Factoring of admin module
Factoring of admin module

v.p=valid password
r.u=request for user creation
r.b=request for billing
d.r=display records
g.t=get timeplan
a.u=active users
g.l=get customer log information
a.r=add records
r=retrieve bill details
c.b=calculate bill
g.b=generate bill

Factoring of client module:

Factoring of client module
Factoring of client module for Prepaid
r.po=request for Postpaid
c=choose package
r.c=register client for login
r.lo=request for logout
r=request for services

Validation of input:

Input: At first the client should enter their username and password.

Procedural Details:

Pseudo code for Creating Users:

Receive Username,Password and User Type
IF User Type is Postpaid THEN
Create User
Receive Package and Create USer

Pseudo code for server:

Create Server Socket
Open Socket Connection            // to listen from clients

Pseudo code for Client Login:

Send Username AND Password to Server
IF valid THEN
Display Login Window AND Send Message to Server
Msgbox Invalid Username and Pasword

Pseudo code for Client Logout:

Ask Confirmation for Logout
IF confirmed THEN
Logout AND Display Login Window and Send Logout message to server

Pseudo code for Client Requests:

IF Option selected is send  THEN
Send the request to Server
Accept the request                // by server

Pseudo code for Server On Message Reciept:

Accept the Message
IF Message is Login THEN
Check for Authentication
IF Valid User THEN
Send Authentic User Message to Client
Store UserID and Login Time
Send Non Authentic User Message to Client
ELSEIF Message is Logout THEN
Store UserID and LoginOut Time
ELSEIF Message is Request THEN
Fulfil the Request
Store the Request


Pseudo code for Preparing Bill:

IF Postpaid User THEN
Calculate Browsing Charge
Browsing Charge is zero
Get All Items Purchased
Calculate Total Amount including Browsing Charge
Print the Bill

Database Design Document

Table 1: Prepaid Users

FieldName Datatype Description Allow Nulls
User_Code varchar(10) Code given for the client  Not null
Password varchar(30) Password given to the client Yes
Package_ID int ID of the Package opted by client Yes
User_Name varchar(30) Name of the client Yes

This table maintains records about the prepaid users of the cyber comprising all the necessary details regarding them.

Table 2: Package Details

FieldName Datatype Description AllowNulls
Package_ID int ID of the Package  Not null
Fare float Amount inclusive of discount payable by prepaid users in advance Yes
Description varchar(100) Description of the Package Yes
Package_Name varchar(50) Name of the package Yes
Total_Hours datetime Amount of hours client can use Yes

This table comprises the predefined packages regarding browsing time(in  terms of hours) offered for the prepaid Users from which they can make a choice.

Table 3: Prepaid Usage Details

Field Name Datatype Description AllowNulls
User_Code varchar(50) Code given for the client  Not null
From_Time datetime Login Time of the client Yes
To_Time dateTime Logout Time of the client Yes
Comp_name varchar(50) Name of the client PC Yes

This table tracks the browsing time of the prepaid users.Hence the browsing time for each session will be the difference between the login & logout time and hence the account updation to his/her account is made

Table 4: Postpaid Users

Field Name Datatype Description AllowNulls
User_Code varchar(10) Code given for the client  Not null
Password varchar(30) Password given to the client Yes
User_Name varchar(30) Name of the client Yes
From_Time datetime Login Time of the client Yes
To_Time datetime Logout Time of the client Yes
Comp_name varchar(10) Name of the client PC Yes

This table maintains records about the postpaid users of the cyber comprising all the necessary details regarding them & hence also tracks the timein & timeout of the clients.

Table 5: Item Details

Field Name Datatype Description AllowNulls
Item_Code int ID of the predefined items  Not null
Item_Name varchar(30) Name of the Item Yes
Description varchar(100) Quantity of Item available in cyber Yes
Price float Price per item Yes

This table comprises the predefined items available for purchase for the clients in the cyber(e.g refreshments,snacks, storage devices,etc) & their respective rates specified by the cyber.

Table 6: Item Purchase Details

Field Name Datatype Description AllowNulls
Bill_No int Bill Number  Not null
Item_Code int ID of predefined items Yes
Quantity float Quantity of Items purchased Yes
Price float Price for the purchased items Yes

*This table comprises or records all the item purchase details regarding the clients.

Table 7: Bill Details

Field Name Datatype Description AllowNulls
Bill_No int Bill Number  Not null
User_Code varchar(20) Code given for the client Yes
User_Type varchar(20) Type of the user Yes
Date datetime Date of Billing Yes
Browsing_Charge float Amount for browsing charges Yes
Discount float Discount Yes

This table deals with bill generation & keeps track of all the details necessary for billing.

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91 thoughts on “Cyber Cafe Management System

  1. Hello sir, I am having project on cyber cafe management system in with mongo db connectivity please send me code for this and give some important guideline so that I can complete my project in proper sequence… It is urgent because I need to submit my project before 12 sep 2014. My mail Id is

  2. sir i need the documentation of cyber cafe management and i also need to prefer your project so kindly mail me your project
    its urgent………..

  3. plz send me the system deisgn of your project (physical,block diagram ,use case,dfd,er diagram,database design)

  4. I wanted the Cyber Cafe Management System s/w.Sir Can you please Help me Out.Sir Please contact me on Mail as soon as possible.

  5. plz send me the system deisgn of your project (physical,block diagram ,use case,dfd,er diagram,database design)

  6. sir plz provide me the above project so that i can submit it in my minor project in my college

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