SRS Document
1. Introduction
A Cyber café normally has some number of PC’s which the customers will for certain amount of time. Now days it may also require to save some details of the customers for security reasons. When a customer enters a cyber café he has to be allotted a PC and the start time is noted. At any time the cyber administrator should be able to see the status of any PC , When the customer wants to do some other activities like take a print out or scan a copy etc. It should be recorded. And finally all the details will be available to the Cyber administrator. And he can submit on the form to generate the bill. There should be displays of all the transactions taking place in the café.
1.1 Purpose
Cyber Café Management is a complete package developed for management of systems in a cyber café. It is not a part of any other application. This document will give the entire requirements and features of the project.
1.2 Project Scope
This project is intended to be used in a Cyber Café. All cyber cafes have some basic needs likeable to control the systems that are being rented to the customers and are charged on timely basis. This project has a server part which runs on the Admin system. And the Client part which runs on all other systems which are to be rented. The Admin should have control over the usage of the client system.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations
.Net Framework: The programming model of the .Net Environment for building,deploying and running web-based applications,smart client applications and XML web services.It includes CLR (Common Language Runtime),CLS (Common Language Specification) and library of classes.
Winsock: A component supported by VB.Net that creates a socket based connection between the systems.
Sockets: These are “point of communications ”between two processes that uses TCP/IP based protocols which provide connection oriented network services.
ADO.Net: ActiveX Data Object.Net is a feature supported by .Net Framework
which is a connectionless,collection of object used to make connections with the database,hence retrieve,modify,insert,delete & manipulate the databases.Use of this object decreases network traffic.
Dataset: It is an “In memory data cache” that stores an entire virtual copy of the database in RAM during connectionless networks.
Datareader: Used to store data for fast,forward only and read only verification.
Crystal Reports: A reporting tool with the ability to create interactive,presentation-quality reports very easily & quickly.
Data Adapter: It acts as intermediate between the database and the frontend application.
1.4 References:
An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering by Pankaj JaloteFundamentals of Database Systems by Remez Elmasri & Shamkant B.Navathe.
1.5 Overview:
Cyber Café Management is a complete package developed for management of systems in a cyber café. This project is intended to be used in a Cyber Café. All cyber cafes have some basic needs likeable to control the systems that are being rented to the customers and are charged on timely basis.
1.6 Product Perspective:
Cyber café management is a new self contained product and is not a part of any other software. This product should be able to satisfy some of the basic needs of a cyber café.

1.7 Product Functions
Functions of the Server:
- Create / Manage Users
- Receive Connection requests from Clients
- Receive a predefined set of requests from the Client
- Billing.
Functions of the Client:
- Connection with the Server
- Request for items available for the client.
1.8 User Classes and Characteristics
This project basically contains two types of users: the server user and the client user.
The Server user is the administrator of the Server machine. He will have the rights to remotely login or logout the client user.
The Client user can login to the client system and start browsing if he knows his username and password otherwise the Admin user can log him in remotely.
1.9 General Constraints
This project will ideally run on Windows Xp Operating system, and it should be able to run on most other windows operating systems without any problem as it runs on .Net Framework which is Independent of all Windows Operating Systems.
.Net Framework is required to be setup before installing the Product, Also SQL SERVER 2005 database server should be setup on the system for the working of this product.
1.10 Assumptions and Dependencies
This project runs on Windows Xp operating system. It is assumed that the cyber café should have all the systems connected on a LAN network, and the Admin has a separate system from which he will be able to control all other systems.
2. Specific Requirements
2.1 External Interface Requirements
2.1.1 User Interface Requirements
The user interface is designed using the windows components of the Visual Studio .Net.
Some of the components are: Windows Forms, Textboxes, Labels, Frames, Images, List View etc.
The SQL SERVER connections are made through ADO.NET feature of the .Net Framework.
The Network connections are made using Winsock component of the Visual Studio.
2.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
There is no external hardware required for running this project.
2.1.3 Software Interfaces
This project runs on .Net framework therefore this framework should be installed before the product could be installed.
SQL SERVER 2005 is required for the backend operations. This software should be installed separately.
Visual Basic 6.0 is mandatory to be installed in the system.
2.1.4 Communications Interfaces
Communications between the server and the client component is made through the winsock component. Winsock creates a socket based connection between the systems. Sockets uses TCP/IP based protocols which provide connection oriented network services.
2.2 Functional Requirements
2.2.1 Server Module Connection module.
This module is supposed to open a socket connection and keep the socket in wait mode. Until it receives some request from the client side once there is some request coming in from the client side this should receive the data and perform appropriate functions. User Creation and Management
This module should implement the user creation and management. The users could be given a username and password and also they could be given a prepaid account by which they can browse until they finish the amount in their accounts. Billing
This module should produce bills depending upon the user activity, Like browsing time, and any other items taken like CD’s, Snacks etc.
2.2.2 Client Module Client Connection
This module will try to establish connection with the server. If the connection is successful then he will be able to use the client system. The connection request is made on the server that is available on the network, If the server is not running or if he is not authenticated then he will not be able to use the client system. Client Requests
This module will allow the customer of the cyber café to make request’s for some of the items that are predefined and will be displayed on his screen. These requests will show up on server screen and the admin and provide his with the requested item.
2.3 Performance Requirements
This System can run on an average configuration System. The performance requirements are not very high. The performance could be affected if there are network related problems and due to low memory.
2.4 Design Constraints
This project is developed on .Net Framework; All the features in the design of the project should be compliant with this framework. The SQL used should be specific to the SQL SERVER 2005 database. All software’s may not be complaint with 64 bit processors.
2.5 Attributes
This project is developed on a Windows Xp machine running on Pentium IV processor with 512 MB of memory. The systems on which the product is to be installed are supposed to have similar attributes. All the required software’s should be supported by the systems hardware.
CYBER CAFE Detailed Design
Detailed design, which is also known as logic design, involves the internal sign of the module and how the specification of the module can be satisfied. Detailed design is an extension of system design. The first step before the detailed design or code for a module can be developed is that the specification of the module be given precisely. Once the module is precisely specified, the external logic for the module that will implement the given identification can be decided. The basic logic in detailed design is to specify the logic for the different modules that been specified during system design. Specifying the logic will require developing an algorithm that will implement the given specifications. This phase includes the specification of table structures, which makes us understand the internal logic of the system. The tables are described with their field names, data type, table constraints, description of each field etc.
Applicable Documents
The documents that are applicable for the detail design are system design document and the database document.
Structure of the software package
Client: The client here is any registered customer.
Username & Password: Takes the username & password from the client. Only the authenticated clients will be able to use the client systems.
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plz send me the system deisgn of your project (physical,block diagram ,use case,dfd,er diagram,database design)
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I wanted the Cyber Cafe Management System s/w.Sir Can you please Help me Out.Sir Please contact me on Mail as soon as possible.
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