Skeletal Tags

Below, some fundamental tags and their definitions are covered.

The term “skeletal tags” refers to these three tags.the “root of an HTML page” html tag



As discussed above, all the contents are wrapped in between the opening tag  <html> and the closing tag </html>. In between <html> and </html> tag, our content contains two parts i.e. a header section i.e. <head>…</head> and a body section i.e. <body>…</body>.

<head> tag :   “header part of an HTML page”


//head content

Our header section starts from <head> and closes at </head> tag. It defines the head of a document. This tag contains meta tags i.e. <meta>….</meta> and a title tag i.e. <title >…</title>. The title is shown in the top tab of your browser but metadata is not displayed anywhere, it is generally used for SEOs and contains information about the document.

<title > tag :  “title part of an HTML page”


//any title name

 Our title section starts from <title> and closes at </title> tag. It defines the title of a document.

<body> tag :  “body part of an HTML page”


//body content

 Our body section starts from <body> and closes at </body> tag. It defines the body of a document. This tag contains various other tags. All the contents in between this tag are displayed on a web browser

Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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