
In Python, strings are among the most widely used types. They are easily made by simply surrounding characters in quotations. Python treats single quotes and double quotes the same way. Assigning a value to a variable and creating a string is really straightforward.


var1 = ‘Hello World!’

var2 = “Python Programming”

Python doesn’t have a character type; as they are viewed as one-length strings, they are also regarded as substrings.

Use the index or indices to get your substring along with the square brackets for slicing to access substrings.


var1 = ‘Hello World!’

var2 = “Python Programming”

print “var1[0]: “, var1[0]

print “var2[1:5]: “, var2[1:5]

The outcome of running the aforementioned code is the following:

var1[0]:  H

var2[1:5]:  ytho

By (re)assigning a variable to another string, you can “update” an already-existing string. The new value may be connected to the old value or to an entirely separate string. For instance,


var1 = ‘Hello World!’

print “Updated String :- “, var1[:6] + ‘Python’

The outcome of running the aforementioned code is the following:

updated String :-  Hello Python

Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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