Introduction to HTML

Describe HTML.

The name “HyperText Markup Language” is abbreviated as HTML.

  • It is the web’s native tongue.
  • Websites are made with it.
  • It is employed to specify a page layout, hence it refers to a basic page structure.
  • Website pages, also known as websites that we view on the internet, are created using HTML.
  • It is made up of a number of tags.
  • These tags were created as an HTML document.
  • It ends in “.html” or “.htm.”
  • HTML has multiple iterations, but HTML5 is the most recent.

Features of HTML

  • It is independent of platforms.
  • A web page can include audio, video, and images.
  • The text may include hypertext.
  • This language uses markup.
  • It uses an interpreter to speak.
  • It is compatible with JavaScript, CSS, and other languages.
  • semantic architecture
  • client-side data storage using local storage and an index database.
  • Offline Capabilities (PWA) using Service Workers & Cache API.

Why is the phrase “HyperText & Markup Language” used?

The terms “hypertext” and “markup language” together make up the term “hypertext markup language”. The word “markup language” refers to a language that uses a collection of tags, and the term “hypertext” refers to the linking of text with other documents.

Therefore, HTML is a set of tags used to link text to other documents.

HTML’s origins can be traced back to Tim Berners-Lee, who launched the www in 1989 and HTML in 1991.

He began developing HTML versions between 1995 and 1997.

A group was established in 1999 to create HTML4.0 as a standard.

Numerous people still use HTML4.0 nowadays. HTML5, often known as version 5.0, is the most recent stable version.

Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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