Exception handling

An error that results in a program crashing is referred to as an exception. It is syntactically correct, in contrast to syntax errors, and generally results from our carelessness.

An exception is thrown, for instance, when a string value is assigned to an int data type variable, when an integer is divided by zero, or when a variable or function name cannot be found. Python already includes built-in functionality to handle a variety of errors automatically, but we can also create our own.

Problems involving exceptions have a straightforward solution. We only need to add a small piece of code known as an exception handler to the program to change how it normally runs. This code will preserve the program’s state up to the point where the exception occurred and carry on the program’s regular flow from code written outside the exception-prone area. By turning the exception into a string, we can also print it. In this manner, the application continues to run normally with the exception of the spot where the exception occurred.

Python uses try and except blocks to deal with exceptions. The unless block and the catch block are equivalent in any other programming language you are familiar with. We write the code that we are unsure will result in an exception in the try block, and we only write the code we want to run in the event of an exception error in the except block. The unless block will not run in these circumstances if there is no exception. The code where there is a high likelihood of an exception is written in the try block, and the error handling is done in the except block, either by printing a warning or by completely disregarding the exception area.

Additionally, there are other predefined exception types that we can encounter in Python, like EOF or End of File Error (which occurs when a file’s end is reached but the action is not finished) and ZeroDivisionError (occurs when the number is divided by zero). We can program expect blocks to only capture a certain type of exception and to disregard the others. To accomplish this, we must include the error name before the colon, immediately before the term except.

Benefits of trying to catch

If an exception arises without a try block, the application will undoubtedly crash.

In order to prevent the entire program from crashing, we must write any unimportant code that has the potential to raise an exception in a try block.

Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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