C program for Pass-1 Assembler
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> int symi=0,lc=0,len=1,dc=0,start=0; struct pgm { char line[80]; } s[100]; struct symtab { char name[10]; int add; } sym[100]; void show(char* a,char* b,char* c) { printf("%8s %5s %6s \n",a,b,c); } void check(char s[]) { if(!strcmpi(s,"START")) { start=1; show("","START","1"); return; } if(!strcmpi(s,"END")) { show("","END","1"); return; } if(!strcmpi(s,"EQU")) { show("","EQU","1"); return; } if(!strcmpi(s,"DS")) { show("","DS","1"); return; } if(!strcmpi(s,"ORG")) { show("","ORG","1"); return; } if(!strcmpi(s,"DC")) { show("","DC","1"); return; } if(start) { start=0; lc=atoi(s); return; } if(dc) { dc=0; len=atoi(s); show("","DS",s); return; } for(int i=0;i<symi;i++) { if(strcmp(sym[i].name,s)==0) return; } if(s[0]=='\'') { char p[2]; sprintf(p,"LIT : %s",s); show(p,"-","-"); return; } strcpy(sym[symi++].name,s); show(s,"-","-"); return; } void main() { char t[20]; int i=0,j=0,k=0; cout<<"Enter the Program code:"; do { gets(s[i].line); } while(strcmpi(s[i++].line,"end")); printf("Systab Optab Length \n"); printf("---------------------"); k=-1; do { k++; for(i=0;s[k].line[i]!='\o';i++,j++) { if(s[k].line[i]==' ') { t[j]='\o'; j=-1; check(t); } else t[j] = s[k].line[i]; } t[j]='\o'; j=0; check(t); } while(strcmpi(s[k].line,"End")); getch(); } |
this program does not work with c
it works with c++
Iam very thankful….
It’s very nice friends…..!!!!!
It’s good i get output in c…
thank’s alot….!!!
we also needs the output of these program .so plse publish that also along with it
Is this program displays symbol table only………