Anonymous/lambda functions

An anonymous function or lambda expression in Python programming is a function definition that is not attached to an identifier (def).An inline function is the anonymous function. The lambda operator is used to generate anonymous functions, and they are limited to a single expression.

An illustration of how anonymous functions operate is provided below:

result = lambda n1, n2, n3: n1 + n2 + n3;

print (“Sum of three values : “, result( 10, 20, 25 ))

We’ve written an anonymous function to add three numbers in the code above. The result variable contains the function. Then, using this variable, the function can be invoked. Three distinct parameter values have been used to invoke the function in the code above. Like other functions, anonymous functions can take inputs and return results.

“Lambda Functions”

Anonymous functions’ main goal is to be useful for those times when we just need a function once. The lambda expression has numerous other applications besides just creating anonymous functions. Wherever they are required, anonymous functions can be created. Due to their use in conjunction with other predefined methods like reduce(), filter(), and map, Python Lambda Functions are also referred to as throw-away functions ().

Comparatively speaking to named Python functions, these functions assist in reducing the number of lines of code.

Lambda Expressions And Simple Functions Differ Significantly.

  • Immediately passable with or without variables.
  • The functions are inline.
  • automatic results retrieval
  • There is neither a name nor a document string.

Python List sort(): Sorting is the methodical arrangement of data. Finding the target element will be difficult if the data we are working with is not sorted. Like other programming languages, Python has the ability to sort data.

Python comes with a built-in method called sort() that can be used to arrange the members of a list in either an ascending or descending order. A built-in function called sorted() creates a new sorted list from an iterable such as a list, dictionary, etc.

The sort() method’s syntax is as follows:

list.sort(key=myFunc ,reverse=True|False)

Shubhajna Rai
Shubhajna Rai

A Civil Engineering Graduate interested to share valuable information with the aspirants.

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