Intelligent Train Engines

We know that the railway network of India is the biggest in south Asia and perhaps the most complicated in all over the world. There are so many different types of trains local, fast, super fast, passenger, goods…. etc. and their so many multiple routs. Although the time table is perfect it is not at all possible to maintain it. And that’s why the train accidents are becoming more and more usual. So why not we add a kind of intelligence to the train engines itself so that it tries to avoid accidents.

The idea is whenever any engine observes a red signal on its track it will start decreasing its speed gradually and stops automatically at some distance from the signal pole. After then when it gets green signal the driver can manually start the train and go on. In the mean time when train has not stopped yet and a red signal becomes green then it crosses the signal pole with low speed and then driver can slowly increase the speed.

So now before the driver observes the red signal the engine itself observes it and automatically starts decreasing speed and then stops. The driver can feel relax in driving because he doesn’t have to take care about red signal. Even if he forgets to take any action on red signal then also we can avoid accidents by the implementation of this idea.

General description:

What we have to do is we have to attach a transmitter with signal pole which will start transmitting signals only when the red light is on. If there is green light no transmission. The engine has a receiver which catches these transmitted signals and takes desire actions.

Both the transmitter and receiver are of RF type with minimum range of 2 Km. so that train can get enough time to decrease its speed and stop before the signal pole with minimum swapping distance of 100-200 mt.

Here in our project we have used IR transmitter and receiver instead of RF for demo purpose. But same idea can be easily implemented with RF also with a little more cost.

Lets first discuss the demonstration model.

Demonstration Model:

The train engine runs on 24V DC motor so that we can easily vary its speed by varying applied voltage. The switching voltage is applied in step of 18 V, 15 V, 12 V and 9 V (min speed). The 230 VAC is step-down to 24 VAC by 12-0-12, 2 Ampere step down transformer. As shown in figure this 24 VAC line runs parallel with track at the top of the train. Movable tapping are taken from this line and fed to the internal circuit of engine. These tapping slides as the train runs on the track and give continuous supply to circuit. The IR sensor is placed at the top of the engine, senses the signals transmitted by IR transmitter attached to signal pole. Train track is straight and 20 ft long. Signal pole is placed at the end of track and train starts from farther end.

Model of Intelligent Train Engines
Model of Intelligent Train Engines
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321 thoughts on “Intelligent Train Engines

  1. Hi All

    All the details, circuit diagram and code is given clearly. Please read the project properly. Note: This project is given in 3 pages.

  2. sir…can u give me the circuit diagram clearly bcos it is not clear when downloaded…i like this project….help us sir….

  3. I am working on this project.
    I want the PCB layout of the receiver side. can anyone send me that on my email id.

  4. I like this project’s logic and whole idea so i am constructing this project.
    Please give me the details of the same.

  5. sir
    could u please sent me the details of this project
    i liked it very much and would like to do it
    thank you

  6. To,
    Mr Ashutosh M Bhatt,

    Subject: Request for need of further details for the project
    “Intelligent Train Engine”.

    Respected Sir,
    I am Syed Shafi Ul Haq student of IIIyr –II sem, E.C.E,
    Ayaan College of Engg & Tech.
    Recently I came across your project “INTELLIGENT TRAIN ENGINE”
    I am soo much impressed from this project that I have got craze about this project now.
    But there are few doubts that are troubling my mind which I am going to mention below I wish you can help me overcome my problems. Here are my problems:-

    a) What is the min distance from which IR Sensors start detecting the IR signal from Transmitter?
    I want to keep the track range only till max 5 feet nothing more than that, so what changes in this project I need to adapt?

    b) What are the header files which are needed while programming in the Microcontroller ?
    c) IR sensors detect only White or Black objects or signals , So how IR sensors on the receiver detect Red signals sent by IR LED from transmitter?

    d) Approx how much this complete project might cost ?

    e) What e the challenges you faced while doing this project?

    I am waiting for your response. I would be thankful to you if you guide me by solving my problems

    Yours Faithfully,
    Syed Shafi Ul Haq
    Syed Shafi Ul Haq
    Opp Priya Theatre lane,
    New Mallepally,

  7. I liked the project and will try it my own. Kindly send me all the necessary details along with some more description.

  8. Sir,
    I am studying final BE (ECE), now i am doing project work, related to Train Speed control using Embedded Microcontroller 16F628A. Please help me to design a DC motor control circuit by PWM using microcontroller.

  9. plz send me a complete details regarding the transmiter section.. from ur given ckt v r not able to saw the values of r and c…

  10. sir,
    i am a btech student of vimal jyothi engg coll kannur.we wish do this as our mini project as a part of our course.we get sanctioned from our dept .we r not getting 24v dc motor,so we like to do the same with 12v dc moto,wat r the changes needed also v r not able to clarify the values of resitrs and captrs.if u dont mind, can u help us by mailing the neccessary details in this id ‘’….we r waiting sir…….

  11. hai sir
    This is venkatesh really interested in this project but i need hex file for code plz give any suggestions……………………………………..


  13. please send me the full details of this project… that is circuit diagram with full explanation …pleas pleas pleassssssss

  14. sir
    my name is unmesh i am last year of diploma & i like this project very much if you can plz send me the details of this project

  15. i m really impressed with this project n would like to know about this project in details. plz send me details with ckt diagram n coding.

  16. i want a fully detail of this perticular project. as a final year B.E E.C student i want to make a project on this project.
    “vehical monitering and security system”

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  18. Hi sir,
    This is shravan please send me the details of this project with circuit ,components to me .
    you mail me at

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